
September 11, 2024

What's New?

We are excited to announce an update to our Notion Public API token format.

Starting September 25, 2024, newly generated Public API tokens will automatically use the ntn_ prefix instead of thesecret_ prefix.

Why the Change?

This change is part of our ongoing efforts to improve the security of our API. By introducing the ntn_ prefix, we aim to:

  • Enhance compatibility with secret scanners and other security tools, making it easier to identify and manage Notion API tokens.
  • Provide a clearer distinction between Notion API tokens and other types of secrets, reducing the risk of misconfiguration and improving overall security.

What Do You Need to Do?

  • New Integrations: For any new integrations, the tokens will be automatically generated with the ntn_ prefix. Simply generate your tokens as usual through the Notion API settings page.
  • Existing Tokens: All existing tokens with the secret_ prefix will continue to work without any changes. There is no immediate need to update your existing integrations.
  • Token Format: We strongly advise against using regular expressions (regex) to identify or validate Notion Public API tokens. The token format may change over time, and relying on regex patterns could lead to false positives or negatives. Instead, treat the token as an opaque string and use it as provided.
  • Best Practices: To handle Notion API tokens securely:
    • Store tokens securely using appropriate encryption methods.
    • Use Notion's official SDKs or libraries when available, as they handle token management correctly.
    • Validate tokens by making authenticated requests to Notion's API rather than parsing the token itself.

Questions or Concerns?

If you have any questions or need assistance with this transition, please feel free to reach out to our support team or visit our docs.

September 9, 2024

  • Revised Section 3.1 of the Developer Terms to include additional security and data use restrictions.

Changes for April 2024

  • Added: New property in_trash to indicate whether a page/block/database has been deleted or placed in "Trash".
  • Support: Both archived and in_trash properties are fully supported. Contact developer support for help during this transition or reach out in our Notion Devs Slack group.

Changes for November 27 - December 10, 2023

  • We added support for reading and writing names to file blocks in the public API. Read more here.
  • We fixed the types in the SDK to support appending table and column blocks as children of toggle blocks.
  • We updated the emoji and timezones available in the SDK.
  • We added support for australian_dollar in the format field of number database properties.

September 8 - September 21, 2023

  • The Examples page was updated with all our most recent demo code. We’ve organized these sample integrations by level of experience with the Public API to help developers who are newer to the Public API find introductory code more easily.
  • A note was added to all API endpoint documentation directing developers to review the Status codes page for a complete list of error codes that can be returned by API requests.
  • A clarification was added to the Request limits page and Append block children endpoint documentation to indicate the current limit for appending a list of block children per API request. Up to 100 block children can be appended at a time.

September 6 - September 7, 2023

August 23 - September 5, 2023

August 8 - August 22, 2023

  • The Build your first integration guide was rewritten with new demo code to help developers learn how to use Notion’s API even faster.
  • The description for the block_id path parameter was updated for the Append block children endpoint to indicate that a block ID or page ID can be used.
  • A clarification was added to documentation for retrieving/updating database properties: If a property is based on a relation to another database, the related database also needs to be shared with the integration.
  • A clarification was added to documentation for querying databases. When filtering a multi-select property, the contains field will filter for exact matches for the string provided.
  • The Working with comments guide was updated with additional examples to distinguish between creating page comments and inline discussion comments.
    • The Create a comment endpoint description now links to the Working with comments guide to help developers find additional resources faster.
  • If you haven’t already, join our Notion Devs Slack group to learn from other developers building with the public API.

Notice for an upcoming Public API change

We will soon be rolling out changes to the Formulas property (Formulas 2.0), and as such, we will be making a change to the Notion Public API.

This is a non-versioned change and is expected to be in effect in the next couple weeks.

tl;dr: As part of the Formulas 2.0 rollout, the Public API’s format of the string value for formula.expression will be changing. Public API calls with formula inputs in the old format will still succeed. On write operations, the old format will be supported indefinitely, but on read, only the new format will be returned. This change is being made to improve the formulas experience and ensure parity with the Notion app.

No action is required for creating or updating database formulas. Reading database formula.expression values may require developer changes.

What do you need to know?

The string value of formula.expression is changing; the schema is not.

  • On write via the Public API (create or update database endpoints), Notion will support using the old format as a Public API input in the formula property schema indefinitely and will support writing in the new format.
  • Database objects returned via the Public API will have the new formulas 2.0 format.
// Old format
"Updated price": {
  "id": "YU%7C%40",
  "name": "Updated price",
  "type": "formula",
  "formula": {
    "expression": "prop(\"Price\") * 2"

// New format (upcoming)
"Updated price": {
  "id": "YU%7C%40",
  "name": "Updated price",
  "type": "formula",
  "formula": {
      "expression": "{{notion:block_property:BtVS:00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000:8994905a-074a-415f-9bcf-d1f8b4fa38e4}}/2"

Why is this happening?

Notion databases allow you to build a fully customizable system for you and your team – they provide a place where you can keep all your information in one place, with the ability to build views, filters, and workflows that can be adapted to your needs.

The formula property helps you take that even further – allowing you to perform calculations, create specialized views, and provide an extra layer of insight based on information in other database properties. It helps expand what you can do in Notion databases.

We are improving the formulas experience so that:

  1. It’s easier to write formulas.
  2. Formula outputs look and feel more native to Notion.
  3. The formula language can fulfill more specific needs.

Changes being made to the API are to ensure parity with the Notion app.

What do you need to do?

This is a non-versioned change that will not affect most developers. As mentioned, the formula property format will still have the same schema in the Public API; only the value of the formula.expression field will change.

Keep an eye on this changelog for when the update becomes available in the Public API.

July 25 - August 7, 2023

  • Notion is excited to announce our Technology Partnership Program. 🎉 This program is open to companies who have built a public integration (including Link Previews) and are interested in improving and scaling their integration with Notion’s support. If you think your integration and company could be a fit, learn more and apply here.
  • We’ve updated our API reference docs to include information on Notion’s wiki databases and verified pages. Updates include:
  • The Error codes section in the Status code page was updated to include examples of the "message" returned with each type of API error, as well as descriptions of the issue each error code represents.
  • A number of sample cURL commands in our docs were still using an old Notion Version in their headers. These have all been updated.
  • A clarification was added to the Authorization guide that the Notion Version is always required in public API request headers.

July 11 - July 24, 2023

  • A new integration example was added to the Notion SDK for JavaScript repo. This example shows how to get the plain text from any block type currently supported by the public API.
  • The new unique ID page property was added to the Page properties documentation. When used, the unique ID (unique_id) auto-increments for every new page created in a database. An optional prefix can be included that will be applied to the ID values.
The unique ID in a Notion page's properties

The unique ID in a Notion page's properties

June 13 - July 10, 2023

  • We updated our Getting started guide to help developers who are new to the public API better understand how the API relates to integrations.
  • The Block object docs were updated with a tip on how to embed Vimeo links in a Notion page via the API.
  • A new after parameter has been added to the Append block children endpoint. Developers can now specific where to append a new block, instead of appending it to the end of a parent block by default.
    curl -X PATCH \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer '"$NOTION_API_KEY"'' \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -H "Notion-Version: 2022-06-28" \
      --data '{
        "children": [
      ], after: "<block_id_to_append_after>"
  • The Authorization guide had a clarification added to help developers find the resources they need for Link Preview integrations.
  • The new public_url property was added to the docs. When a page or database has been shared publicly, the response body will include a public_url value.
      "object": "page",
      "id": "<id>",
      "created_time": "2023-06-02T19:54:00.000Z",
      "last_edited_time": "2023-06-02T23:04:00.000Z",
      "created_by": { ... },
      "last_edited_by": { ... },
      "cover": null,
      "icon": null,
      "parent": { ... },
      "archived": false,
      "properties": { ... },
      "url": "<url>",
      "public_url": "<public-url>"
  • The Retrieve block children endpoint documentation was updated to help developers who are new to the public API better understand the endpoint’s functionality.
  • The Retrieve a block endpoint documentation was updated with some additional information related to working with page content.
  • The invalid_grant code was added to our Status codes documentation. This code is returned when the authorization grant (e.g. token) provided is invalid. For example, a status code 400 with an invalid_grant code will be returned when the token provided has expired.
  • The Rich text documentation was updated with additional information on what rich text is and how the Notion uses it.

May 30 - June 12, 2023

May 16 - May 29, 2023

May 2 - May 15, 2023

  • We added a database schema size recommendation of 50KB to our docs to help developers manage their database query performance. It is strongly recommended that developers keep their schema size under this number.
  • The Update a database page was updated to improve readability. Additional information on how this endpoint differs from related endpoints was also added to help developers better navigate the REST API docs.
  • The Query a database page was updated with additional information about the filter_properties query parameter.
    When used with the REST API, this query parameter is passed as a string, like so:[database_id]/query?filter_properties=[property_id_1]&filter_properties=[property_id_2]

When used with the JavaScript SDK, the filter_properties option accepts an array of property ID strings:

	database_id: 'databaseID',
	filter_properties: ["propertyID1", "propertyID2"]
  • Docs that mention the redirect_uri — a value used with public integrations — were updated to clarify when this value is required. Refer to the Create a token page for a complete description.
  • The video block-type was updated on the Block Object page to clarify accepted video types. YouTube URLs that contain watch or embed are supported video types.
  • The Append a block page content was reorganized to improve readability.

April 18 - May 1, 2023

  • The Build a Link Preview integration guide was updated to reflect a change regarding how link previews are enabled in the integration dashboard.
  • The versioning page was updated to clarify that the Notion-Version header is required in Notion REST API requests.
  • The parent object page and API reference docs for database POST requests and blocks PATCH requests were updated to better explain how parenting rules work.
  • The Integration guide was updated with more links to help developers find resources faster.
  • Number database properties now support the Peruvian sol as a currency format. To use it, set "peruvian_sol" as the value for a number’s format field when creating or updating a database property or schema.
  • General docs housekeeping, such reducing the number of callouts in our API reference docs to improve the readability.

March 14 - April 17, 2023

  • Our developer community Slack invite link was updated. Join here to connect with other developers building with the Notion API.
  • The Authorization guide was updated to include more information on creating integrations, adding templates to public integrations, and more code examples to get you started, faster.
  • We’ve added more code examples to our API reference docs, including Archive a page and Authentication.
  • General docs housekeeping, such reducing the number of callouts in our API reference docs to improve the readability.

February 28 - March 13, 2023

We don’t have any changes to announce this week! Stay tuned, and in the meantime check out our platform roadmap for a look at what we’re building.

February 14 - 27, 2023

Fixes and improvements

January 31 - February 13, 2023

We don’t have any updates to share right now. Stay tuned for the next changelog! To get a sense for what we’re heads down working on, check out the platform roadmap.

January 18 - 30, 2023

Fixes and improvements

  • Stay tuned!

New things

  • Added a token Refresh button to the settings page for internal integrations. Click Refresh to generate a new token for your internal integration.

You can now refresh an internal integration token from the integration settings page.

January 3 - 17, 2023

New things

December 19, 2022 - January 2, 2023

Fixes and improvements

  • The Retrieve a Page endpoint can now return specific page property values when you include the filter_properties path param.
  • You can now request specific page property values from a database by passing filter_properties in the request body to the Query a database endpoint.

New things

  • Happy 2023! For a sneak peek of what we’ll be up to this year, check out our updated platform roadmap.

December 6 - 18, 2022

Fixes and improvements

New things

  • Built a ✨Glitch ✨ demo that updates Notion tasks when a linked GitHub PR is closed or merged. Give it a spin!

November 22 - December 5, 2022

We took advantage of the US Thanksgiving holiday to host a mini internal hackathon.

Nothing to share from that, yet! It’s been a quiet few weeks.

If you want something to read while you stay tuned for the next update, check out the revised Get started guide.

November 8 - 21, 2022

  • We added a this_week filter for database queries. You can now search for database entries where the "date", "created_time", or "last_edited_time" property value falls within the current week. Refer to the date filter condition docs for details.

October 25 - November 7, 2022

  • Number database properties now support the Singapore dollar as a currency format. To use it, set "singapore_dollar" as the value for a number’s format field when creating or updating a database property or schema.

October 11 - 24, 2022

September 26 - October 10, 2022

  • A relation property value now includes a has_more property when returned by the Retrieve a page endpoint. has_more is true if the relation has more than 25 page references. Otherwise, has_more is false.
  • We added a workspace_name property to bot user objects. If the bot  owner.type is "workspace", then identifies the name of the workspace that owns the bot. If the owner.type is "user", then is null.

September 12 - 25, 2022

Started an experiment to improve search endpoint performance by tweaking how we call Elasticsearch under the hood.

August 29 - September 11, 2022

  • Fixed a bug where date mentions ended in a character even if they only represented a single date, not a date range.
  • Added an Authorization URL field to the public integration form. You can now click to copy the URL that allows users to authorize your integration (read more in the Authorization guide).
  • Corrected an error that caused the getProperty endpoint to return only one item if the property_id belonged to a multi-item Files page property.

August 31, 2022

Version 2022-06-28 includes page property types and values

Responses for page retrievals, database queries, and searches will again include page property types and values. This matches the behavior in version 2022-02-22 and takes effect on August 31, 2022.

August 15 - 28, 2022


  • The public API now supports the following functionality for status properties:

    • Reading and updating status properties on pages (read more)
    • Reading, but not updating, status property configuration on databases (read more)
    • Filtering or sorting by status properties when querying databases (read more)
  • header_1, header_2, and header_3 blocks now have an is_toggleable property, to better indicate whether they are heading toggle blocks. (read more)

    • Headings can be togglified and un-togglified by setting is_toggleable to true or false, but note that all the children inside the toggle must be removed before it can be untogglified.

August 1 - 14, 2022

No updates for these past two weeks, but stay tuned for the next changelog!

July 18 - July 31, 2022


  • Added support for reading and writing page-level comments in the API.

July 19, 2022

Comments API

Today we're launching a brand new set of APIs for interacting with Notion comments. This includes the ability to:

  • Read comments from a page or block.
  • Add a comment to a page.
  • Add a comment to an existing discussion thread on a block.

For more information, check out the new guide or dive straight into the API reference.

July 5 - 17, 2022


  • Released a new version of the API, 2022-06-28. Previous versions of the API are still supported. Read more about the new version here.
  • Created a new template repository for getting started with the Notion API and the official SDK. Find it here.

Bug fixes and performance improvements

  • Exported many more named types for API response objects in the official SDK.
  • Fixed a bug in the official SDK where some API requests would not work due a capitalization issue. (This was a community-submitted PR; thank you @dvanoni!)

July 6, 2022

Releasing Notion-Version 2022-06-28

Update from August 31, 2022: Page properties can now be retrieved using the page, query database, and search endpoints, in addition to the page properties endpoint.

Today we’re releasing Notion-Version 2022-06-28 with the following backwards incompatible changes:

  • Page properties must be retrieved using the page properties endpoint.
  • Parents are now always direct parents; a parent field has been added to block.
  • Database relations have a type of single_property and dual_property.

Read more about each of these changes below.

Page properties must be retrieved using the page properties endpoint

Previously, the page object returned from page endpoints, as well as the query database and search endpoint, returned a properties field that contained all the page’s properties along with its value:

"properties": {
    "Name": {
      "id": "title",
      "type": "title",
      "title": [
          "type": "text",
          "text": {
            "content": "Avocado",
            "link": null
          "annotations": {
            "bold": false,
            "italic": false,
            "strikethrough": false,
            "underline": false,
            "code": false,
            "color": "default"
          "plain_text": "Avocado",
          "href": null

While convenient, returning accurate results for all properties resulted in bad performance and timeouts for larger databases or pages with lots of mentions. To combat performance, on March 1st, we added a disclaimer that page objects stopped returning accurate results for pages with more than 25 mentions to other objects (which affected properties of type title, rich_text, relation, people, rollup, and formula).

In October 2021, we introduced a way to more accurately retrieve individual page properties via the retrieve a page property item endpoint. With this endpoint, we’re able to paginate complex properties that involve additional look-ups.

With version 2022-06-28, the type and property value from page objects are removed. Thus moving forward, all property value retrieval must happen through the retrieve a page property item endpoint.

"properties": {
    "Name": {
      "id": "title"

For more examples of how to use the retrieve a page property item endpoint, our SDK examples have been updated to use the retrieve a page property item endpoint.

For more details about why page properties are so complex, we wrote about it in our “Creating the Notion API” blog post.

Parents are now always direct parents; a parent field has been added to block

Previously, when accessing the parent of a database or page, that parent was always either a page, database, or workspace. This is un-faithful to the actual data model of Notion, where the parent may also be another block; for example, you can nest a page under a toggle block.

The parent field for page and database has been changed so that it is now always the direct parent of that page or database, and a new parent type has been added: block_id.

Additionally, a parent field has been added to the block object. Together, these changes allow you to fully traverse Notion’s tree.

To emulate the previous behavior of retrieving the page, database, or space parent, you may traverse up the tree using the retrieve a block endpoint. If the parent ≠ one of those types, retrieve the parent block until it is.

Read more about parent types here.

Database relations have a type of single_property and dual_property

Relation properties in databases objects now have a type of single_property or dual_property. These can be used to create one way relations between databases as well as two way relations within a database.

New version of the JavaScript SDK

Coinciding with all of these changes, we've released a new major version (v2.0.0) of the Notion JavaScript SDK. To upgrade to this new version, run npm install @notionhq/client@latest or yarn upgrade --latest @notionhq/client from within your repository.

June 20 - July 4, 2022


  • Added limited readonly support for database status properties. Read more about status properties here.

Bug Fixes

  • Added a validation for adding new rollup properties that prevents creating a rollup of another rollup.

June 6 - June 19, 2022


  • Added support for creating inline databases with is_inline. Read more here.
  • Added support for reading and writing database descriptions with the description field. Read more here.

May 23 - June 5, 2022

Bug fixes and performance improvements

  • The public API once again supports inlinemailto links in rich text.

May 9 - 22, 2022

Bug fixes and performance improvements

  • We now validate URLs used to create inline text links in the public API. For more details on inline links in rich text, see the Rich text object documentation.
  • The Search endpoint now returns fuzzier matches, including plurals and different verb tenses. This corresponds to fuzzier matches while searching in the Notion app and should result in more search results overall for any given query.
  • Fixed a bug where the integration page at wouldn't load.

May 10, 2022

Link Preview APIs

Today we’re excited to launch a new set of APIs for developers to build on — Link Preview APIs. Over the past six months, we launched link previews with tools like Slack, Trello, Figma, and Asana, allowing users to preview authenticated content in a new structured block. Now, we’re ready for any developer to build integrations that support link previews in Notion.

We built link previews to make it easy for users to easily share information in one place using a link. But with a regular link, the information would become automatically stale, making it difficult to share the latest updates among teams. Now, with the new link previews APIs, Notion will let you know when a user pastes a link to a domain you own, let the user authenticate with Notion and your service, and let you unfurl a new link preview block inside Notion.

Learn more about the new link previews APIs here, and apply to get access to and build your integration by filling out this form.

April 25 - May 9, 2022

Bug fixes and performance improvements

  • We've shipped a couple of improvements under the hood to make the search and query database endpoints faster. We're actively looking into 500s and timeouts on the query database endpoint in particular.
  • Fixed a bug in the OAuth page picker where Shared pages wouldn't load until the workspace switcher was clicked

April 11 - 24, 2022

Bug fixes and performance improvements

  • Fixed a bug where some rollups and relations appeared empty when they shouldn't have.
  • Fixed a bug in the query database endpoint where an invalid pagination cursor was being returned.

March 28 - April 10, 2022

There was a company-wide product bug bash! As a result nothing API-specific to share for these 2 weeks, but we've been hard at work improving test coverage and paring down tech debt.

March 14 - 27, 2022


  • You can now filter databases on the created at and last edited at timestamps, even if they don't have a corresponding property of that type. Read more here.
  • A Retry-After response header is now being sent with rate limited request responses. The value of this field is set as an integer number of seconds (in decimal). Requests made after waiting this minimum amount of time should not be rate limited. Read more about our rate limits here.

Bug fixes and performance improvements

  • Stopped throwing an error when rendering property formulas that hadn't been set up yet in the Retrieve a page property item endpoint. These formulas now return null values.

March 18, 2022

Query a database endpoint supports filtering by timestamp

When querying a database using filters, you previously were only able to build filters using properties that were explicitly defined in the database schema. We've added a new type of filter for the created timestamp and last edited timestamp of any page within the database. This means you can filter by these attributes, even if the database doesn't have a "Created time" or "Last edited time" property.

You can read more about this filter type here, but as a preview here is how you would filter by the created timestamp:

    "filter": {
        "timestamp": "created_time",
        "created_time": {
          "past_week": {}

And here's how you would filter by the last edited time:

    "filter": {
        "timestamp": "last_edited_time",
        "last_edited_time": {
          "after": "2021-05-10"

Note that you can also use this filter type within a compound filter.

February 28, 2022 - March 13, 2022


  • Block colors are now supported in the API! Read more about it here.

Bug fixes and performance improvements

  • Rich text objects now properly include template mentions. Read more about this type of text object here.

March 8, 2022

Block colors are now supported in the API

We have added support for block colors in the Notion Public API. There is now a color keyword for the following block types: paragraph, heading_1, heading_2, heading_3, bulleted_list_item, numbered_list_item, to_do, toggle, callout, quote, and table_of_contents. For these block types, the block color is returned in the block object, and you can use the update block, append block children, and create page endpoints to update the color of existing blocks and create new blocks with color.

The colors supported are default, gray, brown, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, red, gray_background, brown_background, orange_background, yellow_background, green_background, blue_background, purple_background, pink_background, and red_background.

    "object": "block",
    "id": "79bc0ae2-b002-4ecd-92db-870354734aaf",
    "created_time": "2022-03-03T22:49:00.000Z",
    "last_edited_time": "2022-03-03T22:49:00.000Z",
    "created_by": {
        "object": "user",
        "id": "914ff1b3-45c7-48dc-b2c2-be37d21e7695"
    "last_edited_by": {
        "object": "user",
        "id": "914ff1b3-45c7-48dc-b2c2-be37d21e7695"
    "has_children": false,
    "archived": false,
    "type": "callout",
    "callout": {
        "rich_text": [
                "type": "text",
                "text": {
                    "content": "This block has color!",
                    "link": null
                "annotations": {
                    "bold": false,
                    "italic": false,
                    "strikethrough": false,
                    "underline": false,
                    "code": false,
                    "color": "default"
                "plain_text": "This block has color!",
                "href": null
        "icon": {
            "type": "emoji",
            "emoji": "💡"
        "color": "green_background"

March 7, 2022

Updated Developers Terms

With the API officially out of beta, Notion has updated our developer terms of service as of March 1st, 2022. View our updated terms here.

February 14, 2022 - 28, 2022: Block by Block edition!


The API is officially out of beta!

Read more about it here.


  • We now have a roadmap, so you have a better sense of what we'll be building next.
  • We released a new version of the API, 2022-02-22. This version makes our requests and responses more consistent across properties, blocks, and filters, and officially deprecates the list databases endpoint. Read more here.
  • We now show the public API status independently of Notion's status on
  • Added created_by and edited_by to pages, blocks, and databases, and added archived to databases. Read more here.
  • Added new ways for admins of Enterprise workspaces to view and control the integrations installed in their workspaces. Read more here.
  • Added more information to paginated responses to make it easier to fetch complete responses for complex property types. Read more here.

Bug fixes and performance improvements

  • Fixed a bug where pages and databases with archived (i.e. trashed) ancestors would show archived: false. They now show archived: true because they are, in fact, archived.
  • Improved API performance when rendering users who are members in the space. This affects all user, block, and page-related endpoints since users can be mentioned in both page properties and rich text.
  • Added a message about sharing relevant pages and databases with a bot in the 404 not found error message. We found that this was one of the more common reasons for API users to get a 404 when calling the API.
  • Fixed a bug where bots could be given a more restrictive "Can edit content" access on child databases, which prevented some bots with write access from being able to update the database schema.
  • Fixed a bug where user mentions failed with "user not found" when creating new blocks, even if those users should have been visible to the bot.
  • Fixed a bug where malformed properties in a single page would cause an entire request to the query database endpoint to fail.
  • Fixed a bug where it was possible to update a page/database in the trash. Attempting to update a trashed page or database now returns a validation error.
  • Fixed a bug in the get page property endpoint where retrieving a rollup property which referenced a relation containing pages the bot did not have access to skipped those pages and returned an incorrect result. We now return a validation error.
  • Fixed a bug in the get page property endpoint where retrieving a formula property whose depth exceeds what we can compute in the API simply returned the wrong value. We now return a validation error.

March 1, 2022

Created by and last edited by properties in Block, Page and Database objects

We have added created_by and last_edited_by properties for block, page and database objects corresponding to the users who have created or last edited these objects. Both properties are user objects which will contain object and id keys. This is a backwards compatible change that is available in older versions of the API as well.

  "object": "page",
  "id": "e722caec-ae02-4a41-9bbd-286f65f8dca4",
  "created_time": "2022-02-15T21:24:00.000Z",
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  "properties": {
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      "type": "title",
      "title": [
          "type": "text",
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            "content": "Tasks",
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            "strikethrough": false,
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            "code": false,
            "color": "default"
          "plain_text": "Tasks",
          "href": null
  "url": ""
  "object": "block",
  "id": "9bc30ad4-9373-46a5-84ab-0a7845ee52e6",
  "created_time": "2021-03-16T16:31:00.000Z",
  "created_by": {
    "object": "user",
    "id": "cb38e95d-00cf-4e7e-adce-974f4a44a547"
  "last_edited_time": "2021-03-16T16:32:00.000Z",
  "last_edited_by": {
    "object": "user",
    "id": "e79a0b74-3aba-4149-9f74-0bb5791a6ee6"	
  "has_children": false,
  "type": "to_do",
  "archived": false,
  "to_do": {
    "rich_text": [
        "type": "text",
        "text": {
          "content": "Lacinato kale",
          "link": null
        "annotations": {
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        "plain_text": "Lacinato kale",
        "href": null
    "checked": false
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  "id": "e8d49c2d-9644-4ba2-8511-918a62309665",
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    "object": "user",
    "id": "71e95936-2737-4e11-b03d-f174f6f13087"
  "last_edited_by": {
    "object": "user",
    "id": "5ba97cc9-e5e0-4363-b33a-1d80a635577f"
  "last_edited_time": "2022-02-17T18:43:00.000Z",
  "title": [
      "type": "text",
      "text": {
        "content": "Tasks",
        "link": null
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  "properties": {
    "Tags": {
      "id": "keGJ",
      "name": "Tags",
      "type": "multi_select",
      "multi_select": {
        "options": []
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      "id": "title",
      "name": "Name",
      "type": "title",
      "title": {}
  "parent": {
    "type": "page_id",
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We have also added a boolean archived property for database objects to denote if the database has been deleted. You can use the archived property to archive or unarchive a database and its descendants when updating the database.

February 25, 2022

Releasing Notion-Version 2022-02-22


Notion's API versions

As a reminder, we only version backwards incompatible changes, so generally, you still get access to new features we release on the API without needing to upgrade. You can use different version headers for each request, so you can upgrade incrementally to get to the latest version.

We're releasing Notion-Version 2022-02-22 with the following backwards incompatible changes:

  • text in blocks has been renamed to rich_text, to be consistent with the database property type.
  • Query database filter changes:
    • phone and text are no longer supported in query database filters when filtering by phone_number and rich_text properties. Use phone_number and rich_text instead.
    • rollup query database filters no longer accept the text keyword. Use rich_text instead.
    • formula query database filters no longer accept the text keyword. Use string instead.
  • property_item objects now return a type, next_url, and id.
  • Deprecated the List Databases API endpoint.

The text property in content blocks has been renamed to rich_text

To be consistent with the database property type, we have renamed the text property to rich_text. This affects the following block types: paragraph, heading_1, heading_2, heading_3, callout, quote, bulleted_list_item, numbered_list_item, to_do ,toggle, code ,template.

Here is an example of the previous text property:

  "type": "paragraph",
  //...other keys excluded
  "paragraph": {
    "text": [{
      "type": "text",
      "text": {
        "content": "Lacinato kale",
        "link": null

Here is an example of the updated rich_text property:

  "type": "paragraph",
  //...other keys excluded
  "paragraph": {
    "rich_text": [{
      "type": "text",
      "text": {
        "content": "Lacinato kale",
        "link": null

Query database filter changes

phone and text no longer supported

Version 2022-02-22 no longer supports phone and text property filters in the query database endpoint. For consistency with the database property types, use phone_number and rich_text instead when filtering on phone_number and rich_text properties.

More concretely, this query database filter will throw a validation error:

	"filter": {
		"and": [
				"property": "Phone number",
				"phone": {
					"equals": "1112223333"

This query database filter will succeed:

	"filter": {
		"and": [
				"property": "Phone number",
				"phone_number": {
					"equals": "1112223333"

rollup property filters accept rich_text instead of text

Rollup property filters must now be constructed with the rich_text keyword instead of the text keyword if the value of the rollup is an array of rich_text. Put concretely, if a page's rollup property is rendered like so:

"rollup property": {
	"id": "~%5Bw%5C",
	"type": "rollup",
	"rollup": {
		"type": "array",
		"array": [
				"type": "rich_text",
				"rich_text": [
						"type": "text",
						"text": {
							"content": "update text 2",
							"link": null
						"annotations": {
							"bold": true,
							"italic": false,
							"strikethrough": false,
							"underline": false,
							"code": false,
							"color": "red"
						"plain_text": "update text 2",
						"href": null
				"type": "rich_text",
				"rich_text": [
						"type": "text",
						"text": {
							"content": "another text",
							"link": null
						"annotations": {
							"bold": false,
							"italic": false,
							"strikethrough": false,
							"underline": false,
							"code": false,
							"color": "default"
						"plain_text": "another text",
						"href": null
		"function": "show_original"

This filter will no longer work in version 2022-02-22:

	"filter": {
		"property": "rollup property",
		"rollup": {
			"any": {
				"text": {
					"contains": "update text"

Instead, write:

	"filter": {
		"property": "rollup property",
		"rollup": {
			"any": {
				"rich_text": {
					"contains": "update text"

formula property filters accept string instead of text

Rollup property filters must now be constructed with the string keyword instead of the text keyword if the value of the formula is a string. Put concretely, if a page's formula property is rendered like so:

"formula property": {
	"id": "m%5D%3F%5C",
	"type": "formula",
	"formula": {
		"type": "string",
		"string": "update text 2,another text"

This filter will no longer work in version 2022-02-22:

	"filter": {
		"property": "formula property",
		"formula": {
			"text": {
				"contains": "update text"

Instead, write this:

	"filter": {
		"property": "formula property",
		"formula": {
			"string": {
				"contains": "update text"

Property list items now have types

Property item lists now always have type property_item. Rollup aggregations are now returned inside that type.

We've also added the property id field and the next_url to fetch the next set of property items.

Here is an example of a previous rollup property_item list:

  "object": "list",
  "results": [
      "object": "property_item",
      "type": "relation",
      "relation": {
        "id": "83f92c9d-523d-466e-8c1f-9bc2c25a99fe"
  "next_cursor": "some-next-cursor-value",
  "has_more": true,
  "rollup": {
    "type": "date",
    "date": {
      "start": "2021-10-07T14:42:00.000+00:00",
      "end": null
    "function": "latest_date"
  "type": "rollup"

Here is an example of the updated rollup property_item list:

  "object": "list",
  "results": [
      "object": "property_item",
      "id": "xYz890",
      "type": "relation",
      "relation": {
        "id": "83f92c9d-523d-466e-8c1f-9bc2c25a99fe"
  "next_cursor": "some-next-cursor-value",
  "has_more": true,
  "type": "property_item",
  "property_item": {
    "id": "aBcD123"
    "next_url": "",
    "type": "rollup",
    "rollup": {
    	"type": "date",
    	"date": {
      	"start": "2021-10-07T14:42:00.000+00:00",
      	"end": null
    	"function": "latest_date"

Deprecated the List Databases endpoint

List all Databases endpoint is removed starting in this version. You can use the Search API for this functionality instead. The List Databases endpoint only returns explicitly shared databases, while search will also return child pages and databases within explicitly shared pages.

January 31, 2022 - February 13, 2022


We're trying something new

We're experimenting with publishing biweekly changelogs in addition to our existing changelogs about new features. The biweekly changelogs will include bug fixes and improvements that are not big enough to justify their own changelog entry.

The timing may be somewhat irregular until we smooth the process out, but we hope to align on a regular schedule soon. This is our first regular changelog entry; we hope you find it useful.

Bug fixes and performance improvements

  • We added an optimization for search when filtering by pages or databases. This should particularly help latency when using search to power a database picker in a large workspace. For more details about search and how to optimize search requests, see the search documentation.
  • We fixed an issue where fetching an embed block containing an uploaded file returned the wrong file URL.

January 25, 2022

Caption property is now supported for code block type

We have added support for adding, updating, and retrieving the caption property for code block types.

Below is an example response from append block children containing a code block, with a caption, uploaded to Notion.

    "object": "list",
    "results": [
            "object": "block",
            "id": "block-id",
            "created_time": "2021-10-14T18:10:00.000Z",
            "last_edited_time": "2021-10-14T18:10:00.000Z",
            "has_children": false,
            "archived": false,
            "type": "code",
            "code": {
                "caption": [
                        "type": "text",
                        "text": {
                            "content": "Hello Caption!",
                            "link": null
                        "annotations": {
                            "bold": false,
                            "italic": false,
                            "strikethrough": false,
                            "underline": false,
                            "code": false,
                            "color": "default"
                        "plain_text": "Hello Caption!",
                        "href": null
                "text": [
                        "type": "text",
                        "text": {
                            "content": "const foo = \"bar\"",
                            "link": null
                        "annotations": {
                            "bold": false,
                            "italic": false,
                            "strikethrough": false,
                            "underline": false,
                            "code": false,
                            "color": "default"
                        "plain_text": "const foo = \"bar\"",
                        "href": null
                "language": "javascript"
    "next_cursor": null,
    "has_more": false

January 5, 2022

We have added support for simple tables in the API.

Simple tables and simple table rows

Tables are parent blocks for table row children. They can only contain children of type table_row.

When creating a table block via the Append block children endpoint, the table must have at least 1 table_row whose cells array has the same length as the table_width.

To fetch content for a table, fetch the the table_row children via Retrieve block children. The table block itself only contains formatting data, no content.

Table block example:

	"type": "table",
	"table": {
		"table_width": 3,
		"has_column_header": false,
		"has_row_header": false

Table row block example:

  "type": "table_row",
  "table_row": {
    "cells": [
          "type": "text",
          "text": {
            "content": "column 1 content",
            "link": null
          "annotations": {
            "bold": false,
            "italic": false,
            "strikethrough": false,
            "underline": false,
            "code": false,
            "color": "default"
          "plain_text": "column 1 content",
          "href": null
          "type": "text",
          "text": {
            "content": "column 2 content",
            "link": null
          "annotations": {
            "bold": false,
            "italic": false,
            "strikethrough": false,
            "underline": false,
            "code": false,
            "color": "default"
          "plain_text": "column 2 content",
          "href": null
          "type": "text",
          "text": {
            "content": "column 3 content",
            "link": null
          "annotations": {
            "bold": false,
            "italic": false,
            "strikethrough": false,
            "underline": false,
            "code": false,
            "color": "default"
          "plain_text": "column 3 content",
          "href": null

For more details, refer to the Block object docs.

December 15, 2021

Both public and internal integrations now support having more granular capabilities, which enforce what an integration can do and see in a Notion workspace. These capabilities when put together enforce which API endpoints an integration can call, and what content and user related information they are able to see. For further information on capabilities and best practices, see the capabilities reference.

Content capabilities

Integrations can have any combination of read content, insert content, or update content capabilities.

  • The read content capability gives the integration access to read existing content in a Notion workspace.
  • The insert content capability gives the integration permission to create new content in a Notion workspace.
  • The update content capability gives the integration permission to update existing content in a Notion workspace.

User capabilities

Integrations have different levels of user capabilities, which affect how user objects are returned from the Notion API:

  • No user information - the integration will not be able to request any information about users. User objects will not include information about the user, including name, profile images, or their email address.
  • User information without email addresses - user objects will include other information about the user, including their name or profile images, but omit the email address.
  • User information with email addresses - user objects will include all information about the user, including name, profile images, and their email address.


An installed integration can never capabilities will never supersede the capabilities of the user who owns the integration. For example, an integration cannot insert or update on a page if the owner has read-only access.

Existing integrations

All existing integrations will continue to have the same functionality as before. Any integrations created before December 15, 2021 automatically will have all content capabilities, and user capabilities that give access to user information including email addresses.

Updating integrations

Update the capabilities on an existing integration through After updating a public integration's capabilities, users will need to re-authenticate with the integration to apply the new capabilities to their installation. After re-authenticating a public integration with changed capabilities, or updating an internal integration with changed capabilities, the new capabilities will apply to all pages already shared with the integration. For more information on setting capabilities see the Authorization guide.

December 14, 2021

Time zone support

We have added an optional time_zone field (based on the IANA database time zone values) to the Date objects. Developers can now explicitly set the time zones of Date property values using the time_zone field. Once this property is set explicitly, users will be able to see the same time zone in the app. When time zone information is provided in this method, start and end cannot contain UTC offsets. In addition when time zone information is provided in dates, start and end cannot be dates without time information (i.e. "2020-12-08").

The public API will always return the time_zone field as null when rendering dates and time zone will be displayed as a UTC offset in the start and end date fields.

November 17, 2021

Synced Block, Link to Page and Template block types are now supported in the API

We have added support for adding and retrieving synced_block, link_to_page and template block types.

synced_block block type

Similar to the UI, there are two versions of a synced_block -- the original block that was created first and doesn't yet sync with anything else, and the reference blocks that are synced to the original synced block.

Original Synced Block
To create a synced_block, the developer needs to create an original synced block. Developers will be able to identify the original synced_block because it does not "sync_from" any other block (i.e. the synced_from property is set to null).

This is an example of an "original" synced_block. Note that all of the blocks available to be synced in another synced_block are captured in the children property.

    "type": "synced_block",
    "synced_block": {
        "synced_from": null,
        "children": [
                "callout": {
                    "text": [
                            "type": "text",
                            "text": {
                                "content": "Callout in synced block"

Reference Synced Blocks
To sync the content of the original synced_block with another synced_block, the developer simply needs to refer to that synced_block using the synced_from property.

Below is an example of a synced_block referring to another synced_block. Note that only "original" synced blocks can be referenced in the synced_from property.

    "type": "synced_block",
    "synced_block": {
        "synced_from": {
            "block_id": "original_synced_block_id"

Below is the example response after creating the synced_block above. We can tell that the content from the original synced block is synced with this one because this block has children even though we didn't explicitly set the children in the body of our API call above (i.e. has_children property on the reference block is true).

    "object": "list",
    "results": [
            "object": "block",
            "id": "block_id",
            "created_time": "2021-11-17T22:17:00.000Z",
            "last_edited_time": "2021-11-17T22:17:00.000Z",
            "has_children": true,
            "archived": false,
            "type": "synced_block",
            "synced_block": {
                "synced_from": {
                    "type": "block_id",
                    "block_id": "original_synced_block_id"
    "next_cursor": null,
    "has_more": false


Important notes

  1. The bot must have access to both the original and reference synced blocks
  2. Similar to the UI, we don't support changes to synced_from at this time

link_to_page block type

We have added support for adding and retrieving link_to_page block types. Using this block type, developers can now create page links to other pages (using the page_id property) and full page databases (using the database_id property).

Below is an example request body for the append block children endpoint containing a link_to_page block type.

    "children": [
            "type": "link_to_page",
            "link_to_page": {
                "type": "page_id",
                "page_id": "61cca5bd-c8c6-4fcc-b517-514da3b8b1e0"

template block type

We have added support for adding and retrieving template block types. Using this block type, developers can now create template that duplicates the its children blocks.

Below is an example request body for the append block children endpoint containing a template block type.

    "children": [
            "type": "template",
            "template": {
                "text": [
                        "type": "text",
                        "text": {
                            "content": "Create callout template"
                "children": [
                        "callout": {
                            "text": [
                                    "type": "text",
                                    "text": {
                                        "content": "Placeholder callout text"

November 10, 2021

The public API now supports returning link_preview blocks and mentions found in rich_text! Previously these blocks had type unsupported and mentions were skipped in rich_text. Note: link_previews cannot be created via the API, only returned in responses.

See the documentation in blocks and rich_text for more information.

  "type": "link_preview",
  //...other keys excluded
  "link_preview": {
    "url": ""

October 25, 2021

We have added support for column_list and column block types.

You can now add Column Lists and Columns to pages and other block types.

Column Lists are parent blocks for column children. They can only contain children of type column.

Columns are parent blocks for any supported block children, excluding columns. They can only be appended to column_lists.

When initially creating a column list block via Append block children, the column list must have at least 2 columns, and those columns must have at least one child each.

When fetching content for a column_list, first fetch the the column children via Retrieve block children. Then fetch the children for each column block.

Below is an example request body for appending column_list and nested column children.

  "children": [
      "object": "block",
      "type": "column_list",
      "column_list": {
        "children": [
            "object": "block",
            "type": "column",
            "column": {
              "children": [
                  "object": "block",
                  "type": "paragraph",
                  "paragraph": {
                    "text": [
                        "type": "text",
                        "text": {
                          "content": "some text here"
            "object": "block",
            "type": "column",
            "column": {
              "children": [
                  "object": "block",
                  "type": "paragraph",
                  "paragraph": {
                    "text": [
                        "type": "text",
                        "text": {
                          "content": "some text here"

Below is an example response of appending column_list children.

    "object": "list",
    "results": [
            "object": "block",
            "id": "ca042aa7-2e23-4541-8059-abff360d6752",
            "created_time": "2021-10-25T17:00:00.000Z",
            "last_edited_time": "2021-10-25T17:00:00.000Z",
            "has_children": true,
            "archived": false,
            "type": "column_list",
            "column_list": {}
    "next_cursor": null,
    "has_more": false

Below is an example request body for appending column children. Note that the parent that is being added to must be a block of type column_list.

    "children": [
            "object": "block",
            "type": "column",
            "column": {
                "children": [
                        "object": "block",
                        "type": "paragraph",
                        "paragraph": {
                            "text": [
                                    "type": "text",
                                    "text": {
                                        "content": "some text here"

Below is an example response of appending column children.

    "object": "list",
    "results": [
            "object": "block",
            "id": "f40c3a13-30d1-4594-bd6f-cdbc15b2c006",
            "created_time": "2021-10-25T21:25:00.000Z",
            "last_edited_time": "2021-10-25T21:25:00.000Z",
            "has_children": true,
            "archived": false,
            "type": "column",
            "column": {}
    "next_cursor": null,
    "has_more": false

October 18, 2021

Validation on embed block URLs

The public API will now return errors on embeds blocks that are not supported by the public API. The supported embed block types (as listed and kept up to date in the Block Object documentation):

  • Framer
  • Twitter (tweets)
  • Google Drive documents
  • Gist
  • Figma
  • Invision,
  • Loom
  • Typeform
  • Codepen
  • PDFs
  • Google Maps
  • Whimisical
  • Miro
  • Abstract
  • Excalidraw
  • Sketch
  • Replit

Previously failed embeds would return a successful request, but produce an error in the Notion Application. Failed embed requests will now return a 400 Client Error.

For non embed URLs, consider using the bookmark or image block types.

October 17, 2021

Dates with times and timezones are now supported on Database Date Filters

Previously, the date filters equals, after, before, on_or_after, and on_or_before only supported dates without times nor timezones.

    "filter": {
        "or": [
                "property": "My Time Property",
                "date": {
                    "before": "2021-10-20"
    "sorts": []

Now the database date filters can accept ISO 8601 dates with timestamps and timezones.

    "filter": {
        "or": [
                "property": "My Time Property",
                "date": {
                    "before": "2021-10-15T12:00:00-07:00"
    "sorts": []


How Dates with times are compared

Date time comparisons are done with millisecond precision. If no timezone is provided, the default is UTC.


Equals Date filter

If a date without a time is provided to the equals, the comparison is done against the start and end of the UTC date provided (inclusive). If a date with a time is provided, the comparison is done with millisecond precision. If no timezone is provided, the default timezone is UTC.

October 15, 2021

Breadcrumb block types are now supported in the API

We have added support for adding and retrieving Breadcrumb block types.

You can now can add Breadcrumb blocks to pages and other blocks.

Below is an example response from Append block children containing a Breadcrumb block uploaded to Notion.

    "object": "list",
    "results": [
            "object": "block",
            "id": "block-id",
            "created_time": "2021-10-14T18:10:00.000Z",
            "last_edited_time": "2021-10-14T18:10:00.000Z",
            "has_children": false,
            "archived": false,
            "type": "breadcrumb",
            "breadcrumb": {}
    "next_cursor": null,
    "has_more": false

October 14, 2021

Table of contents and divider block types are now supported

We have added support for adding and retrieving Table of Contents and Divider block types.

Table of Contents blocks

You can now can add Table of Contents blocks to pages and other blocks.

Below is an example response from Append block children containing a Table of Contents block uploaded to Notion.

    "object": "list",
    "results": [
            "object": "block",
            "id": "block-id",
            "created_time": "2021-10-14T18:10:00.000Z",
            "last_edited_time": "2021-10-14T18:10:00.000Z",
            "has_children": false,
            "archived": false,
            "type": "table_of_contents",
            "table_of_contents": {}
    "next_cursor": null,
    "has_more": false

Divider blocks

You can now can add Divider blocks to pages and other blocks.

Below is an example response from Append block children containing a Divider block uploaded to Notion.

    "object": "list",
    "results": [
            "object": "block",
            "id": "block-id",
            "created_time": "2021-10-14T18:10:00.000Z",
            "last_edited_time": "2021-10-14T18:10:00.000Z",
            "has_children": false,
            "archived": false,
            "type": "divider",
            "divider": {}
    "next_cursor": null,
    "has_more": false

October 11, 2021

Users can now add Equation Blocks, Embed, Bookmark, and Media Blocks

We have added support for retrieving, adding and updating Equation Blocks. We have also added support for updating Embed, Bookmark and Media (including image, video, audio, file, pdf) block types.

Equation Blocks

You can now can add, retrieve, and update equation blocks when using the Append block children , Retrieve block children and Update block API endpoints.

Below is an example response from Append block children containing an equation block uploaded to Notion.

    "object": "list",
    "results": [
            "object": "block",
            "id": "2d97bf53-7e79-4efd-a6b2-53c0026ed1b5",
            "created_time": "2021-10-11T17:56:00.000Z",
            "last_edited_time": "2021-10-11T17:56:00.000Z",
            "has_children": false,
            "archived": false,
            "type": "equation",
            "equation": {
                "expression": "e = mc^2"
    "next_cursor": null,
    "has_more": false

Media Blocks (video, audio, image, file, pdf)

You can now can update media blocks when using Update block.


Only media blocks of type external are supported

Updated Media blocks must be of type "external" and must reference an external URL. File upload is not currently supported.

Below is an example response from Update block containing a video block uploaded to Notion.

    "object": "block",
    "id": "37af9d6e-290a-488b-9d53-fb4b983f8289",
    "created_time": "2021-10-12T23:11:00.000Z",
    "last_edited_time": "2021-10-12T23:12:00.000Z",
    "has_children": false,
    "archived": false,
    "type": "video",
    "video": {
        "caption": [
                "type": "text",
                "text": {
                    "content": "My caption",
                    "link": null
                "annotations": {
                    "bold": false,
                    "italic": false,
                    "strikethrough": false,
                    "underline": false,
                    "code": false,
                    "color": "default"
                "plain_text": "My caption",
                "href": null
        "type": "external",
        "external": {
            "url": ""

Embed and Bookmark Block Types

You can now can update embed and bookmark blocks when using Update block.

Below is an example response from Update block containing a bookmark block uploaded to Notion.

    "object": "block",
    "id": "050010f8-d164-4f5d-85a0-fc9db4598107",
    "created_time": "2021-10-12T23:05:00.000Z",
    "last_edited_time": "2021-10-12T23:06:00.000Z",
    "has_children": false,
    "archived": false,
    "type": "bookmark",
    "bookmark": {
        "caption": [
                "type": "text",
                "text": {
                    "content": "My caption",
                    "link": null
                "annotations": {
                    "bold": false,
                    "italic": false,
                    "strikethrough": false,
                    "underline": false,
                    "code": false,
                    "color": "default"
                "plain_text": "My caption",
                "href": null
        "url": ""

October 7, 2021

Users can now add and update Callout and Quote block types


New API endpoints and block types not supported in older versions of the API as of September 28

As of September 28, 2021, new block types and API endpoints will not be supported in older versions of the API. If you're currently on version 2021-05-11 or 2021-05-13, upgrade to 2021-08-16 to take advantage of the new block types in this changelog and any other block types or endpoints introduced after September 28.

API functionality introduced before September 28 will continue to work with older API versions.

We have added support for retrieving, adding and updating quote and callout block types.

Quote blocks

You can now can add and retrieve quote blocks when using Append block children and Retrieve block children.

Below is an example response from Append block children containing a quote block uploaded to Notion.

    "object": "list",
    "results": [
            "object": "block",
            "id": "block-id",
            "created_time": "2021-10-07T19:21:00.000Z",
            "last_edited_time": "2021-10-07T19:21:00.000Z",
            "has_children": false,
            "archived": false,
            "type": "quote",
            "quote": {
                "text": [
                        "type": "text",
                        "text": {
                            "content": "The digital revolution is far more significant than the invention of writing or even of printing.",
                            "link": null
                        "annotations": {
                            "bold": false,
                            "italic": true,
                            "strikethrough": false,
                            "underline": false,
                            "code": false,
                            "color": "default"
                        "plain_text": "The digital revolution is far more significant than the invention of writing or even of printing.",
                        "href": null
                        "type": "text",
                        "text": {
                            "content": "\n-Douglas Engelbart",
                            "link": null
                        "annotations": {
                            "bold": false,
                            "italic": false,
                            "strikethrough": false,
                            "underline": false,
                            "code": false,
                            "color": "default"
                        "plain_text": "\n-Douglas Engelbart",
                        "href": null
    "next_cursor": null,
    "has_more": false

Callout blocks

You can now can add and retrieve callout blocks when using Append block children and Retrieve block children.

Below is an example response from Retrieve block containing a callout block uploaded to Notion.

    "object": "block",
    "id": "block-id",
    "created_time": "2021-10-07T19:23:00.000Z",
    "last_edited_time": "2021-10-07T19:24:00.000Z",
    "has_children": false,
    "archived": false,
    "type": "callout",
    "callout": {
        "text": [
                "type": "text",
                "text": {
                    "content": "Note: Something special is happening above",
                    "link": null
                "annotations": {
                    "bold": false,
                    "italic": false,
                    "strikethrough": false,
                    "underline": false,
                    "code": false,
                    "color": "default"
                "plain_text": "Note: Something special is happening above",
                "href": null
        "icon": {
            "type": "emoji",
            "emoji": "💡"

October 5, 2021

Retrieve page property item

Developers can now individually retrieve the value of their page properties with the Retrieve a page property endpoint! This includes pagination through a list of property item objects for properties with long values or lots of page references such as formula, relations and rollups. See the documentation for more info.

Use the Retrieve a database endpoint to obtain the property_id .

Simple Property Types

Most properties will be identified by a type with the property value in the object found in key {type}.

Example Request/Response

curl --request GET \
  --url http://localhost:3000/v1/pages/b55c9c91-384d-452b-81db-d1ef79372b75/properties/some-property-id \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer $NOTION_API_KEY' \
  --header 'Notion-Version: 2021-08-16'
  "object": "property_item",
  "type": "number",
  "number": 2

Paginated Property Types

Properties of type title, rich_text, relation and people will return a paginated list of Property Item Objects

Example List Response

    "object": "list",
    "results": [
            "object": "property_item",
            "type": "rich_text",
            "rich_text": {
                "type": "text",
                "text": {
                    "content": "Avocado ",
                    "link": null
                "annotations": {
                    "bold": false,
                    "italic": false,
                    "strikethrough": false,
                    "underline": false,
                    "code": false,
                    "color": "default"
                "plain_text": "Avocado ",
                "href": null
... // additional results omitted. 
    "next_cursor": "some-next-cursor-value",
    "has_more": true

Rollup Property Types

Rollups of type 'Show Original', 'Show unique', 'Count unique' and 'Median' return a flattened list of property items. All other rollups are return a list of relations and (after pagination) a rollup property value of type date or number.

Example Paginated Property Item Request/Response

A rollup page property with an aggregation that requires additional pagination.

curl --request GET \
  --url http://localhost:3000/v1/pages/b55c9c91-384d-452b-81db-d1ef79372b75/properties/some-property-id?page_size=10&start_cursor=some-cursor-value \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer $NOTION_API_KEY' \
  --header 'Notion-Version: 2021-08-16'
    "object": "list",
    "results": [
            "object": "property_item",
            "type": "relation",
            "relation": {
                "id": "de5d73e8-3748-40fa-9102-f1290fe2444b"
            "object": "property_item",
            "type": "relation",
            "relation": {
                "id": "164325b0-4c9e-416b-ba9c-037b4c9acdfd"
            "object": "property_item",
            "type": "relation",
            "relation": {
                "id": "456baa98-3239-4c1f-b0ea-bdae945aaf33"
    "next_cursor": "some-next-cursor-value",
    "has_more": true,
    "rollup": {
        "type": "date",
        "date": {
            "start": "2021-10-07T14:42:00.000+00:00",
            "end": null
        "function": "latest_date"
    "type": "rollup"

October 4, 2021

Retrieve your token's bot user with GET /v1/users/me

If you're using Notion API version 2021-08-16, you can now retrieve information about the bot associated with your API token, including its ID and the user who authorized it.

Example request

curl --request GET \
  --url http://localhost:3000/v1/users/me \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer $NOTION_API_KEY' \
  --header 'Notion-Version: 2021-08-16'

Example response

  "object": "user",
  "id": "16d84278-ab0e-484c-9bdd-b35da3bd8905",
  "name": "pied piper",
  "avatar_url": null,
  "type": "bot",
  "bot": {
    "owner": {
      "type": "user",
      "user": {
        "object": "user",
        "id": "5389a034-eb5c-47b5-8a9e-f79c99ef166c",
        "name": "christine makenotion",
        "avatar_url": null,
        "type": "person",
        "person": {
          "email": "[email protected]"

October 1, 2021

New functionality not available to old API versions; code, inline databases, and database page block


New API endpoints and block types not supported in older versions of the API as of September 28

As of September 28, 2021, new block types and API endpoints will not be supported in older versions of the API. If you're currently on version 2021-05-11 or 2021-05-13, upgrade to 2021-08-16 to take advantage of the new block types in this changelog and any other block types or endpoints introduced after September 28.

API functionality introduced before September 28 will continue to work with older API versions.

We have added support for retrieving, adding and updating code blocks, inline databases and database page blocks.

Code blocks

You can now can retrieve and add code blocks when using Append block children and Retrieve block children.

Below is an example response from Retrieve block children containing a code block uploaded to Notion.

    "object": "list",
    "results": [
            "object": "block",
            "id": "ee27cd42-eaad-467f-9956-c0aa4efa94b5",
            "created_time": "2021-09-22T20:27:00.000Z",
            "last_edited_time": "2021-09-27T19:25:00.000Z",
            "has_children": false,
            "archived": false,
            "type": "code",
            "code": {
                "text": [
                        "type": "text",
                        "text": {
                            "content": "const a = 21\nconst b = a + 5",
                            "link": null
                        "annotations": {
                            "bold": false,
                            "italic": false,
                            "strikethrough": false,
                            "underline": false,
                            "code": false,
                            "color": "default"
                        "plain_text": "const a = 21\nconst b = a + 5",
                        "href": null
                "language": "javascript"
    "next_cursor": null,
    "has_more": false

Inline databases and database page blocks

You can now can retrieve child database blocks when using Retrieve block children and Retrieve block.


Updating child_database blocks

To update child_database type blocks, use the Update database endpoint. Updating the block's title updates the text displayed in the associated child_database block.

Below is an example response from Retrieve block children containing a child database uploaded to Notion.

    "object": "list",
    "results": [
            "object": "block",
            "id": "0d6ff4f9-1211-4129-ab4a-19dfc33d4d7a",
            "created_time": "2021-09-27T20:25:00.000Z",
            "last_edited_time": "2021-09-27T20:25:00.000Z",
            "has_children": false,
            "archived": false,
            "type": "child_database",
            "child_database": {
                "title": "My child database"
    "next_cursor": null,
    "has_more": false

September 21, 2021

Workspace-level tokens for public integrations will be deprecated soon; migrate your OAuth flows

Starting today we will be changing who can authorize public integrations in Notion workspaces. The previously released authorization method will be fully deprecated on October 19.

About the change

Currently OAuth tokens function on a workspace level: only admins in a workspace can grant access and there can only be one token per workspace per integration. After a brief transition period (see "How to prepare for this change" below) we will be switching exclusively to user-level tokens. These can be granted by any admin or member in the workspace, and there can be as many tokens per workspace as there are admins and members in the workspace.

See the table for the differences between these two methods:

Workspace-level tokens (old)User-level tokens (new)
Who can go through OAuth and grant accessAdmins onlyAdmins and members
Number of access tokens per workspace1Up to N, where N is the number of admins and members
Who can go through OAuth and reauthorize access for a given tokenOnly the original user who went through OAuth to grant the tokenOnly the original user who went through OAuth to grant the token
OAuth token responseContains an owner field with the value { workspace: true }Contains an owner field with the value { user: <API user object> }
What resources an integration has access toPages/databases the installing user chooses via the page picker during OAuth; pages/databases the installing user and other users in the workspace share with the integration via the Page menu; children of pages/databases that were shared with the integrationPages/databases the installing user chooses via the page picker during OAuth; pages/databases the installing user shares with the integration via the Page menu; children of pages/databases that were shared with the integration
What an integration can do with resources it has access toRead and writeRead and write

How to prepare for this change:

This change only affects public integrations; that is, integrations that can be installed across many workspaces via OAuth. It does not affect internal integrations.

  1. Ensure that you can store and handle multiple Notion API tokens per workspace where your integration is granted access. You may map tokens directly to the bot_id which is returned in the OAuth token response and is guaranteed to be unique per API token.
    • To avoid overwriting tokens, do not map the token to the workspace_id returned in the OAuth token response, since a workspace may have multiple tokens. Do not map the token to the in the OAuth token response, since a user may install your integration in multiple workspaces.
  2. Add &owner=user to your OAuth authorization URL (the url starting with once your application is ready for user-level tokens.

What to expect on October 19

On October 19, we will migrate all existing workspace-level tokens to user-level tokens. We will also default to creating user-level tokens when a user goes through OAuth, regardless of the owner parameter in the OAuth URL.

September 17, 2021

Database objects now contain url

Database objects now return the web address of the database in the url key.

  "object": "database",
  "id": "668d797c-76fa-4934-9b05-ad288df2d136",
  "created_time": "2020-03-17T19:10:04.968Z",
  "last_edited_time": "2020-03-17T21:49:37.913Z",
  "parent": {
    "type": "page_id",
    "page_id": "48f8fee9-cd79-4180-bc2f-ec0398253067"
  "icon": {
    "type": "emoji",
      "emoji": "🎉"
  "cover": {
    "type": "external",
    "external": {
	  	"url": "https://website.domain/images/image.png"
  "url": "",
  "title": [
      "type": "text",
      "text": {
        "content": "Grocery List",
        "link": null
      "annotations": {
        "bold": false,
        "italic": false,
        "strikethrough": false,
        "underline": false,
        "code": false,
        "color": "default"
      "plain_text": "Grocery List",
      "href": null
  "properties": {
    "Name": {
      "id": "title",
      "type": "title",
      "title": {}
    "Description": {
      "id": "J@cS",
      "type": "rich_text",
      "rich_text": {}
    "In stock": {
      "id": "{xY`",
      "type": "checkbox",
      "checkbox": {}
    "Food group": {
      "id": "TJmr",
      "type": "select",
      "select": {
        "options": [
            "id": "96eb622f-4b88-4283-919d-ece2fbed3841",
            "name": "🥦Vegetable",
            "color": "green"
            "id": "bb443819-81dc-46fb-882d-ebee6e22c432",
            "name": "🍎Fruit",
            "color": "red"
            "id": "7da9d1b9-8685-472e-9da3-3af57bdb221e",
            "name": "💪Protein",
            "color": "yellow"
    "Price": {
      "id": "cU^N",
      "type": "number",
      "number": {
        "format": "dollar"
    "Cost of next trip": {
      "id": "p:sC",
      "type": "formula",
      "formula": {
        "value": "if(prop(\"In stock\"), 0, prop(\"Price\"))"
    "Last ordered": {
      "id": "]\\R[",
      "type": "date",
      "date": {}
    "Meals": {
      "type": "relation",
      "relation": {
        "database": "668d797c-76fa-4934-9b05-ad288df2d136",
        "synced_property_name": null
    "Number of meals": {
      "id": "Z\\Eh",
      "type": "rollup",
      "rollup": {
        "rollup_property_name": "Name",
        "relation_property_name": "Meals",
        "rollup_property_id": "title",
        "relation_property_id": "mxp^",
        "function": "count"
    "Store availability": {
      "type": "multi_select",
      "multi_select": {
        "options": [
              "id": "d209b920-212c-4040-9d4a-bdf349dd8b2a",
              "name": "Duc Loi Market",
              "color": "blue"
              "id": "70104074-0f91-467b-9787-00d59e6e1e41",
              "name": "Rainbow Grocery",
              "color": "gray"
              "id": "e6fd4f04-894d-4fa7-8d8b-e92d08ebb604",
              "name": "Nijiya Market",
              "color": "purple"
              "id": "6c3867c5-d542-4f84-b6e9-a420c43094e7",
              "name": "Gus's Community Market",
              "color": "yellow"
    "+1": {
      "id": "aGut",
      "type": "people",
      "people": {}
    "Photo": {
      "id": "aTIT",
      "type": "files",
      "files": {}

September 10, 2021

Users can now delete Block objects

The Notion API now supports the Delete a block endpoint for all supported block types (include pages). The endpoint mirrors the behavior in the Notion application UI where items are added to the "Trash" bucket. In addition, the Block object now returns a boolean archived field to denote if the block has been deleted.

After deleting (archiving) the block, it can be unarchived using the Update a block or Update page endpoint with the body { archived: false }.

Example Request

curl '' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer '"$NOTION_API_KEY"'' \
  -H 'Notion-Version: 2021-08-16'

Example response

  "object": "block",
  "id": "9bc30ad4-9373-46a5-84ab-0a7845ee52e6",
  "created_time": "2021-03-16T16:31:00.000Z",
  "last_edited_time": "2021-03-16T16:32:00.000Z",
  "has_children": false,
  "type": "to_do",
  "archived": true
  "to_do": {
    "text": [
        "type": "text",
        "text": {
          "content": "Lacinato kale",
          "link": null
        "annotations": {
          "bold": false,
          "italic": false,
          "strikethrough": false,
          "underline": false,
          "code": false,
          "color": "default"
        "plain_text": "Lacinato kale",
        "href": null
    "checked": false

September 9, 2021

Relation and rollup properties can now be created in databases

When creating or updating databases, you can now add relation and rollup property types. Note that the related database must also be shared with the integration.

Example request

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer '"$NOTION_API_KEY"'' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Notion-Version: 2021-08-16' \
--data '{
    "parent": {
        "type": "page_id",
        "page_id": "98ad959b-2b6a-4774-80ee-00246fb0ea9b"
    "title": [
            "type": "text",
            "text": {
                "content": "Grocery List",
                "link": null
    "properties": {
        "Name": {
            "title": {}
        "Description": {
            "rich_text": {}
        "In stock": {
            "checkbox": {}
        "Meals": {
          "relation": {
            "database_id": "668d797c-76fa-4934-9b05-ad288df2d136",
        "Number of meals": {
          "rollup": {
            "rollup_property_name": "Name",
            "relation_property_name": "Meals",
            "function": "count"

Example response

    "object": "database",
    "id": "bc1211ca-e3f1-4939-ae34-5260b16f627c",
    "created_time": "2021-07-08T23:50:00.000Z",
    "last_edited_time": "2021-07-08T23:50:00.000Z",
    "title": [
            "type": "text",
            "text": {
                "content": "Grocery List",
                "link": null
            "annotations": {
                "bold": false,
                "italic": false,
                "strikethrough": false,
                "underline": false,
                "code": false,
                "color": "default"
            "plain_text": "Grocery List",
            "href": null
    "properties": {
       "Name": {
            "id": "title",
            "type": "title",
            "title": {}
        "Description": {
            "id": "V}lX",
            "type": "rich_text",
            "rich_text": {}
        "In stock": {
            "id": "V>GQ",
            "type": "checkbox",
            "checkbox": {}
        "Meals": {
          "type": "relation",
          "relation": {
            "database_id": "668d797c-76fa-4934-9b05-ad288df2d136",
            "synced_property_name": "Related to Grocery List (Meals)"
        "Number of meals": {
          "id": "Z\\Eh",
          "type": "rollup",
          "rollup": {
            "rollup_property_name": "Name",
            "relation_property_name": "Meals",
            "rollup_property_id": "title",
            "relation_property_id": "mxp^",
            "function": "count"
    "parent": {
        "type": "page_id",
        "page_id": "98ad959b-2b6a-4774-80ee-00246fb0ea9b"

August 24, 2021

Page icons, cover images, new block types, and improved page file properties

We have added support for linking to external image and file URLs, and many new block types, including image, embed, and file blocks.

You can now use the Notion API to:

We do not yet support uploading files to Notion through the API, however, any files already uploaded to Notion can be retrieved. You can reference the details of what is supported here.

Page Icons and Cover Images

When fetching a Page object or a Database object, the response will now include an icon and cover property, as shown below:

    "object": "database",
    "id": "96433ad8-3fbe-460f-a007-72311c4aa804",
    "cover": {
        "type": "external",
        "external": {
            "url": "https://website.domain/images/image.png"
    "icon": {
        "type": "emoji",
        "emoji": "🎉"
    // ... remaining properties

The Create a page, Update page, Create a database, and Update database API endpoints now support the ability to set the page icon and cover image.

New Block Types

You can now can retrieve and add embed, image, video, file, pdf, and bookmark blocks when using Append block children and Retrieve block children.

Below is an example response from Retrieve a page containing an image uploaded to Notion.

    "object": "list",
    "results": [
            "object": "block",
            "id": "4896a9bf-ada2-4bec-8ea2-97bccf07c4ef",
            "created_time": "2021-08-20T21:12:00.000Z",
            "last_edited_time": "2021-08-20T21:12:00.000Z",
            "has_children": false,
            "type": "image",
            "image": {
                "caption": [],
                "type": "file",
                "file": {
                    "url": "",
                    "expiry_time": "2021-08-20T22:12:29.066Z"
    "next_cursor": null,
    "has_more": false


Third-party App Embeds

Third-party web applications, e.g. Typeform, Figma, etc., are retrieved and added as embed blocks.

File Page Properties

When retrieving file page properties, you'll now get a link to the file as well as the name.

    "object": "page",
    "properties": {
        "Files": {
            "id": "YP~`",
            "type": "files",
            "files": [
                    "name": "Brocolli",
                    "type": "file",
                    "file": {
                        "url": "",
                        "expiry_time": "2021-08-20T22:10:42.022Z"
                    "name": "Text File",
                    "type": "external",
                    "external": {
                        "url": "https://website.domain/files/doc.txt"
    // ... remaining properties

We also support updating file page properties via Update page.

August 20, 2021

Releasing Notion-Version 2021-08-16

We're releasing Notion-Version 2021-08-16 with the following backwards incompatible changes:

Unknown Keys Will Fail Validation

Previously, our endpoints used to only validate against the expected keys in both request body parameters as well as query parameters resulting in some ambiguity between incorrect behavior and invalid inputs. Going forward, to improve the developer experience we will be raising validation errors if keys that are not supported by our API are passed in to requests.


Migration Tip

To safely migrate to 2021-08-16, we recommend thoroughly testing your API calls against the 2021-08-16 version, to see if you get any validation errors due to this change. If you do, remove any parameters that are rejected due to unknown keys.

Changes to Array Rollup Property Types

Starting with the Notion-Version header 2021-08-16, we are introducing a change to the response for rollup properties on a page which are arrays. Number and date rollups are unaffected. Specifically, the type of elements within an array rollup has been made consistent with property types across other API endpoints:

type: "file"type: "files"
type: "text"type: "rich_text"
type: "person"type: "people"

An example rollup property value for an array of rich text values, using Notion-Version 2021-08-16:

  "properties": {
    "sample text array rollup": {
      "id": "NXTh",
      "type": "rollup",
      "rollup": {
        "type": "array",
        "array": [
            "type": "rich_text",
            "rich_text": [
                "type": "text",
                "text": {
                  "content": "hello world!",
                  "link": null
                "annotations": {
                  "bold": false,
                  "italic": false,
                  "strikethrough": false,
                  "underline": false,
                  "code": false,
                  "color": "default"
                "plain_text": "hello world!",
                "href": null
            "type": "rich_text",
            "rich_text": [
                "type": "text",
                "text": {
                  "content": "foo bar",
                  "link": null
                "annotations": {
                  "bold": false,
                  "italic": false,
                  "strikethrough": false,
                  "underline": false,
                  "code": false,
                  "color": "default"
                "plain_text": "foo bar",
                "href": null

Append Block Children returns a list of blocks

The Append Block Children endpoint will now return a list of the newly created Block object children.

Previously the endpoint returned the block object of the parent block. Developers can instead use the Retrieve a block endpoint to get the full block object for a specified block_id.

This change allows developers to get block_id's and additional information of the new blocks right after they're created. Note: only the first level block children are returned. To get sub-children, use the Retrieve block children endpoint.

    "object": "list",
    "results": [
            "object": "block",
            "id": "9bc30ad4-9373-46a5-84ab-0a7845ee52e6",
            "created_time": "2021-03-16T16:31:00.000Z",
            "last_edited_time": "2021-03-16T16:32:00.000Z",
            "has_children": false,
            "type": "heading_2",
            "heading_2": {
                "text": [
                        "type": "text",
                        "text": {
                            "content": "Lacinato kale",
                            "link": null
                        "annotations": {
                            "bold": false,
                            "italic": false,
                            "strikethrough": false,
                            "underline": false,
                            "code": false,
                            "color": "default"
                        "plain_text": "Lacinato kale",
                        "href": null
            "object": "block",
            "id": "7face6fd-3ef4-4b38-b1dc-c5044988eec0",
            "created_time": "2021-03-16T16:34:00.000Z",
            "last_edited_time": "2021-03-16T16:36:00.000Z",
            "has_children": false,
            "type": "paragraph",
            "paragraph": {
                "text": [
                        "type": "text",
                        "text": {
                            "content": "Lacinato kale",
                            "link": {
                                "url": ""
                        "annotations": {
                            "bold": false,
                            "italic": false,
                            "strikethrough": false,
                            "underline": false,
                            "code": false,
                            "color": "default"
                        "plain_text": "Lacinato kale",
                        "href": ""
                        "type": "text",
                        "text": {
                            "content": " is a variety of kale with a long tradition in Italian cuisine, especially that of Tuscany. It is also known as Tuscan kale, Italian kale, dinosaur kale, kale, flat back kale, palm tree kale, or black Tuscan palm.",
                            "link": null
                        "annotations": {
                            "bold": false,
                            "italic": false,
                            "strikethrough": false,
                            "underline": false,
                            "code": false,
                            "color": "default"
                        "plain_text": " is a variety of kale with a long tradition in Italian cuisine, especially that of Tuscany. It is also known as Tuscan kale, Italian kale, dinosaur kale, kale, flat back kale, palm tree kale, or black Tuscan palm.",
                        "href": null
    "next_cursor": null,
    "has_more": false

Property IDs are now URL Safe

Endpoints that return property IDs as part of the response body will now return new URL safe encoded property IDs. Any request that uses property IDs (such as Update a database or Update a page) should use the new URL safe ID.

This ensures all property IDs can be referenced in the URL of any new endpoints moving forward.


Empty database properties are now returned as null

Previously, empty properties of date, email, number, and rollup types were omitted from the page response. Now, these empty properties are returned with null values.

    "object": "page",
    "id": "a8b7e96d-22ce-44d8-991f-6c4535af6608",
    "created_time": "2021-05-12T06:16:00.000Z",
    "last_edited_time": "2021-08-12T21:36:00.000Z",
    "cover": null,
    "icon": null,
    "parent": {
        "type": "database_id",
        "database_id": "70ff0393-6b40-4e76-afc4-4a26a9aa1606"
    "archived": false,
    "properties": {
        "MyDate": {
            "id": "GZT~",
            "type": "date",
            "date": null
        "Description": {
            "id": "RPld",
            "type": "rich_text",
            "rich_text": []
        "Food group": {
            "id": "W_iA",
            "type": "select",
            "select": null
        "myRollup": {
            "id": "%5Eu%3EC",
            "type": "rollup",
            "rollup": {
                "type": "array",
                "array": []
        "MyRelation": {
            "id": "_pL%3A",
            "type": "relation",
            "relation": []
        "Price": {
            "id": "dPVb",
            "type": "number",
            "number": null
        "MyMultiSelect": {
            "id": "%7B%40%5Co",
            "type": "multi_select",
            "multi_select": null
    "url": ""

August 20, 2021

Formula properties can now be created in databases

When creating or updating databases, you can now add formula property types.

Example request

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer '"$NOTION_API_KEY"'' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Notion-Version: 2021-05-13' \
--data '{
    "parent": {
        "type": "page_id",
        "page_id": "98ad959b-2b6a-4774-80ee-00246fb0ea9b"
    "title": [
            "type": "text",
            "text": {
                "content": "Grocery List",
                "link": null
    "properties": {
        "Name": {
            "title": {}
        "Description": {
            "rich_text": {}
        "In stock": {
            "checkbox": {}
        "Price": {
            "number": {
                "format": "dollar"
        "Cost of next trip": {
            "formula": {
                "expression": "if(prop(\"In stock\"), 0, prop(\"Price\"))"

Example response

    "object": "database",
    "id": "c23f0085-a061-41c0-b8a6-cbe14d15a4de",
    "created_time": "2021-08-20T16:08:00.000Z",
    "last_edited_time": "2021-08-20T16:08:00.000Z",
    "title": [
            "type": "text",
            "text": {
                "content": "Grocery List",
                "link": null
            "annotations": {
                "bold": false,
                "italic": false,
                "strikethrough": false,
                "underline": false,
                "code": false,
                "color": "default"
            "plain_text": "Grocery List",
            "href": null
    "properties": {
        "Cost of next trip": {
            "id": "Rbq\\",
            "name": "Cost of next trip",
            "type": "formula",
            "formula": {
                "expression": "if(prop(\"In stock\"), 0, prop(\"Price\"))"
        "In stock": {
            "id": "\\JwC",
            "name": "In stock",
            "type": "checkbox",
            "checkbox": {}
        "Description": {
            "id": "`}HT",
            "name": "Description",
            "type": "rich_text",
            "rich_text": {}
        "Price": {
            "id": "u|<{",
            "name": "Price",
            "type": "number",
            "number": {
                "format": "dollar"
        "Name": {
            "id": "title",
            "name": "Name",
            "type": "title",
            "title": {}
    "parent": {
        "type": "page_id",
        "page_id": "98ad959b-2b6a-4774-80ee-00246fb0ea9b"

August 11, 2021

OAuth token response now includes workspace ID and owner info

We now return a workspace_id field and an owner in the token response at the very end of the OAuth authorization flow.

workspace_id is the ID of the workspace where the integration was authorized. As a reminder, this is not intended to be unique across tokens; in future iterations of our authorization flow users may be able to authorize your integration multiple times in the same workspace.

owner contains information about who can view and share the integration. Because all integrations today can be viewed and shared by all members in the space, owner is just an object that looks like { "workspace": true } for now.

To summarize, the OAuth token response now looks like this:

FieldTypeDescriptionNot null
"access_token"stringAn access token used to authorize requests to the Notion API.
"workspace_id"stringThe ID of the workspace where this authorization took place.
"workspace_name"stringA human-readable name which can be used to display this authorization in UI.
"workspace_icon"stringA URL to an image which can be used to display this authorization in UI.
"bot_id"stringAn identifier for this authorization.
"owner"objectAn object containing information about who can view and share this integration. Always { "workspace": true } for now.

August 11, 2021

Update existing databases with PATCH /v1/databases

You can now use the Notion API to update databases!

Supported updates are:

  • renaming the database
  • adding and removing properties
  • renaming properties
  • updating property types.

Note that updating the name and color select and multi select options is not supported.

Example request

curl --location --request PATCH '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer '"$NOTION_API_KEY"'' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Notion-Version: 2021-07-27' \
--data '{
    "title": [
            "text": {
                "content": "Today'\''s grocery list"
    "properties": {
        "+1": null,
        "Photo": {
            "url": {}
        "Store availability": {
            "multi_select": {
                "options": [
                        "name": "Duc Loi Market"
                        "name": "Rainbow Grocery"
                        "name": "Gus'\''s Community Market"
                        "name": "The Good Life Grocery",
                        "color": "orange"

Example response

  "object": "database",
  "id": "668d797c-76fa-4934-9b05-ad288df2d136",
  "created_time": "2020-03-17T19:10:00.000Z",
  "last_edited_time": "2021-08-11T17:26:00.000Z",
  "parent": {
    "type": "page_id",
    "page_id": "48f8fee9-cd79-4180-bc2f-ec0398253067"
  "title": [
      "type": "text",
      "text": {
        "content": "Today'\''s grocery list",
        "link": null
      "annotations": {
        "bold": false,
        "italic": false,
        "strikethrough": false,
        "underline": false,
        "code": false,
        "color": "default"
      "plain_text": "Today'\''s grocery list",
      "href": null
  "properties": {
    "Name": {
      "id": "title",
      "type": "title",
      "title": {}
    "Description": {
      "id": "J@cS",
      "type": "rich_text",
      "rich_text": {}
    "In stock": {
      "id": "{xY`",
      "type": "checkbox",
      "checkbox": {}
    "Food group": {
      "id": "TJmr",
      "type": "select",
      "select": {
        "options": [
            "id": "96eb622f-4b88-4283-919d-ece2fbed3841",
            "name": "🥦Vegetable",
            "color": "green"
            "id": "bb443819-81dc-46fb-882d-ebee6e22c432",
            "name": "🍎Fruit",
            "color": "red"
            "id": "7da9d1b9-8685-472e-9da3-3af57bdb221e",
            "name": "💪Protein",
            "color": "yellow"
    "Price": {
      "id": "cU^N",
      "type": "number",
      "number": {
        "format": "dollar"
    "Cost of next trip": {
      "id": "p:sC",
      "type": "formula",
      "formula": {
        "value": "if(prop(\"In stock\"), 0, prop(\"Price\"))"
    "Last ordered": {
      "id": "]\\R[",
      "type": "date",
      "date": {}
    "Meals": {
      "type": "relation",
      "relation": {
        "database": "668d797c-76fa-4934-9b05-ad288df2d136",
        "synced_property_name": null
    "Number of meals": {
      "id": "Z\\Eh",
      "type": "rollup",
      "rollup": {
        "rollup_property_name": "Name",
        "relation_property_name": "Meals",
        "rollup_property_id": "title",
        "relation_property_id": "mxp^",
        "function": "count"
    "Store availability": {
      "type": "multi_select",
      "multi_select": {
        "options": [
              "id": "d209b920-212c-4040-9d4a-bdf349dd8b2a",
              "name": "Duc Loi Market",
              "color": "blue"
              "id": "70104074-0f91-467b-9787-00d59e6e1e41",
              "name": "Rainbow Grocery",
              "color": "gray"
              "id": "6c3867c5-d542-4f84-b6e9-a420c43094e7",
              "name": "Gus's Community Market",
              "color": "yellow"
							"id": "a62fbb5f-fed4-44a4-8cac-cba5f518c1a1",
              "name": "Good life grocery",
              "color": "orange"
    "Photo": {
      "id": "aTIT",
      "type": "url",
      "url": {}

August 3, 2021

Retrieve and update blocks with GET and PATCH /v1/blocks/:id

You can now retrieve and update block objects with the Notion API! The PATCH endpoint currently supports updating paragraph, heading_1, heading_2, heading_3, bulleted_list_item, numbered_list_item, toggle and to_do blocks.

Retrieve a Block

The Retrieve a Block endpoint returns a Block Object.

curl '' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer '"$NOTION_API_KEY"'' \
  -H 'Notion-Version: 2021-05-13'
  "object": "block",
  "id": "9bc30ad4-9373-46a5-84ab-0a7845ee52e6",
  "created_time": "2021-03-16T16:31:00.000Z",
  "last_edited_time": "2021-03-16T16:32:00.000Z",
  "has_children": false,
  "type": "to_do",
  "to_do": {
    "text": [
        "type": "text",
        "text": {
          "content": "Lacinato kale",
          "link": null
        "annotations": {
          "bold": false,
          "italic": false,
          "strikethrough": false,
          "underline": false,
          "code": false,
          "color": "default"
        "plain_text": "Lacinato kale",
        "href": null
    "checked": false

Update a Block

The new PATCH /v1/blocks/:id endpoint supports updating block content (the properties within the block type object) and returns the updated Block Object, same as the GET endpoint shown above. See the Update a Block documentation for more detail.

curl \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer '"$NOTION_API_KEY"'' \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Notion-Version: 2021-05-13" \
  -X PATCH \
  --data '{
  "to_do": {
    "text": [{ 
      "text": { "content": "Lacinato kale" } 
    "checked": false

July 26, 2021

Number properties now support more currency formats

The number property type in databases now supports additional currency options.

The new options are:

  • "hong_kong_dollar"
  • "new_zealand_dollar"
  • "krona"
  • "norwegian_krone"
  • "mexican_peso"
  • "rand"
  • "new_taiwan_dollar"
  • "danish_krone"
  • "zloty"
  • "baht"
  • "forint"
  • "koruna"
  • "shekel"
  • "chilean_peso"
  • "philippine_peso"
  • "dirham"
  • "colombian_peso"
  • "riyal"
  • "ringgit"
  • "leu"

This impacts the number configuration of databases.

July 22, 2021

OAuth improvements

We've made improvements to the OAuth flow to make it easier to use.

We now show the page picker on reauthorization. Just like before, the user who initially authorized an integration can reauthorize by going through OAuth a second time. The page picker step will remember which pages have already been shared with the integration, if any, and let users share or un-share additional pages.

Users can search for pages to share with an integration. Previously, users could only select pages at the top level of the Workspace, Shared section, or Private pages section to share with an integration, but we've added a search bar so users can search for and select any page in their workspace.

We also updated the page picker to only show pages for which the user has Full Access permission. Previously, the page picker show any pages for which the user had at least Can View permission, but would show an error when they tried to give the permission access to those pages.

Other OAuth behavior has not changed: only admins can go through OAuth, and only the original person originally added an integration via OAuth can go through the flow again.


The search bar now lets you search for and select nested pages to share with an integration.


Once selected, any nested pages appear in the "Manually Added" section.

July 21, 2021

Database property objects now include the property name

Database property objects now include the field name with the property name as it appears in Notion.

July 15, 2021

Rollup property functions now include show_original

The function show_original has now been added to rollup database property objects. This fixes a bug where rollup properties were omitted if the calculation was "Show Original".

July 13, 2021

Create new databases with POST /v1/databases

You can now use the Notion API to create a database as a subpage of an existing page. Currently supported property types are "title", "rich_text", "number", "select", "multi_select", "date", "people", "files", "checkbox", "url", "email", "phone_number", "created_time", "created_by", "last_edited_time", "last_edited_by".

Example request

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer '"$NOTION_API_KEY"'' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Notion-Version: 2021-05-13' \
--data '{
    "parent": {
        "type": "page_id",
        "page_id": "98ad959b-2b6a-4774-80ee-00246fb0ea9b"
    "title": [
            "type": "text",
            "text": {
                "content": "Grocery List",
                "link": null
    "properties": {
        "Name": {
            "title": {}
        "Description": {
            "rich_text": {}
        "In stock": {
            "checkbox": {}
        "Food group": {
            "select": {
                "options": [
                        "name": "🥦Vegetable",
                        "color": "green"
                        "name": "🍎Fruit",
                        "color": "red"
                        "name": "💪Protein",
                        "color": "yellow"
        "Price": {
            "number": {
                "format": "dollar"
        "Last ordered": {
            "date": {}
        "Store availability": {
            "type": "multi_select",
            "multi_select": {
                "options": [
                        "name": "Duc Loi Market",
                        "color": "blue"
                        "name": "Rainbow Grocery",
                        "color": "gray"
                        "name": "Nijiya Market",
                        "color": "purple"
                        "name": "Gus'\''s Community Market",
                        "color": "yellow"
        "+1": {
            "people": {}
        "Photo": {
            "files": {}

Example response

    "object": "database",
    "id": "bc1211ca-e3f1-4939-ae34-5260b16f627c",
    "created_time": "2021-07-08T23:50:00.000Z",
    "last_edited_time": "2021-07-08T23:50:00.000Z",
    "title": [
            "type": "text",
            "text": {
                "content": "Grocery List",
                "link": null
            "annotations": {
                "bold": false,
                "italic": false,
                "strikethrough": false,
                "underline": false,
                "code": false,
                "color": "default"
            "plain_text": "Grocery List",
            "href": null
    "properties": {
        "+1": {
            "id": "PNEQ",
            "type": "people",
            "people": {}
        "In stock": {
            "id": "V>GQ",
            "type": "checkbox",
            "checkbox": {}
        "Price": {
            "id": "V@]u",
            "type": "number",
            "number": {
                "format": "dollar"
        "Description": {
            "id": "V}lX",
            "type": "rich_text",
            "rich_text": {}
        "Last ordered": {
            "id": "eVnV",
            "type": "date",
            "date": {}
        "Store availability": {
            "id": "s}Kq",
            "type": "multi_select",
            "multi_select": {
                "options": [
                        "id": "cb79b393-d1c1-4528-b517-c450859de766",
                        "name": "Duc Loi Market",
                        "color": "blue"
                        "id": "58aae162-75d4-403b-a793-3bc7308e4cd2",
                        "name": "Rainbow Grocery",
                        "color": "gray"
                        "id": "22d0f199-babc-44ff-bd80-a9eae3e3fcbf",
                        "name": "Nijiya Market",
                        "color": "purple"
                        "id": "0d069987-ffb0-4347-bde2-8e4068003dbc",
                        "name": "Gus's Community Market",
                        "color": "yellow"
        "Photo": {
            "id": "yfiK",
            "type": "files",
            "files": {}
        "Food group": {
            "id": "|JKd",
            "type": "select",
            "select": {
                "options": [
                        "id": "6d4523fa-88cb-4ffd-9364-1e39d0f4e566",
                        "name": "🥦Vegetable",
                        "color": "green"
                        "id": "268d7e75-de8f-4c4b-8b9d-de0f97021833",
                        "name": "🍎Fruit",
                        "color": "red"
                        "id": "1b234a00-dc97-489c-b987-829264cfdfef",
                        "name": "💪Protein",
                        "color": "yellow"
        "Name": {
            "id": "title",
            "type": "title",
            "title": {}
    "parent": {
        "type": "page_id",
        "page_id": "98ad959b-2b6a-4774-80ee-00246fb0ea9b"

July 7, 2021

User mentions can only be of people

To be consistent with the Notion application, only users of type "people" can be mentioned in rich text objects or in people properties of databases. Trying to include users of type "bot" will return a validation error. Existing mentions of bot users is unaffected.

July 1, 2021

Page objects now contain url

Page objects now return the web address of the page in the url key.

  "object": "page",
  "id": "251d2b5f-268c-4de2-afe9-c71ff92ca95c",
	"created_time": "2020-03-17T19:10:04.968Z",
	"last_edited_time": "2020-03-17T21:49:37.913Z",
  "parent": {
    "type": "database_id",
    "database_id": "48f8fee9-cd79-4180-bc2f-ec0398253067"
  "archived": false,
  "url": "",
  "properties": {
    "Name": {
      "id": "title",
      "type": "title",
      "title": [
          "type": "text",
          "text": {
            "content": "Avocado",
            "link": null
          "annotations": {
            "bold": false,
            "italic": false,
            "strikethrough": false,
            "underline": false,
            "code": false,
            "color": "default"
          "plain_text": "Avocado",
          "href": null

This impacts endpoints that return page object: the pages endpoints and query database endpoint.

June 28, 2021

Last edited and created time properties are now rounded to the nearest minute

Starting July 1st, the last_edited_time and created_time properties will be rounded down to the closest minute for page, database , and block objects. Previously, this behavior was inconsistent with some times being rounded and others not.

June 23, 2021

Database objects now return parent

Database objects now return a parent property. Databases can have pages or workspaces as parents.

  "parent": {
    "type": "page_id",
    "page_id": "b8595b75-abd1-4cad-8dfe-f935a8ef57cb"

Other Improvements and Fixes

  • Inline database mentions are now included in rich_text mention responses.
  • When an integration does not have access to a page or database mention, we will no longer completely omit the mention. The mention will be returned with just the ID but without detailed information (title will appear as "Untitled" and annotations will be default).
  • When integrations are added to pages inside collections they can now always update page properties, even when the integration does not have access to the parent database. However, integrations will not be able to add new select or multi-select properties through the create or update page endpoints without the ability to edit the database parent.

June 15, 2021

Select values can now be dynamically created via Create and Update Page endpoints + other updates since public beta launch

You can now dynamically create new options for Select or Multi-Select properties when using the Create Page and Update Page endpoints. When specifying an option that does not exist in the database schema already, the option will now be created and the database schema updated accordingly.

  "properties": {
    "Food group": {
      "multi_select": [{"name": "Vegetable"},{"name": "Fruit"}]

In the above property values example: Previously, if either "Vegetable" or "Fruit" did not already exist as an option in the database schema, an error would be returned that these are not valid Select options. Now, these options will be created dynamically.

Bug Fixes

  • The title property of a page can be set, and a page can be archived or un-archived, even when the page does not belong to a database.
  • Retrieving pages that are shared with an integration, but where the page's parent is not shared, no longer erroneously returns a 404.

Other Changes

May 19, 2021

"Notion-Version" header will be required starting June 1, 2021

The Notion API has recommended using an explicit version to every HTTP request, using the Notion-Version header. For integrations created after June 1, 2021 an explicit version on every request will become required. After July 1, 2021, integrations created before June 1, 2021 will also have the same requirement. Today, the most recent version is "2021-05-13".

Is my integration affected? What should I do to update?

This requirement will not break your existing integration; however, we will start enforcing this requirement for all API requests on July 1st. Starting July 1st, if you don't send the Notion-Version header with your Notion API calls, you will get a "missing_version" error. Learn more about how the Notion API handles versioning.

If you've been using examples copied from documentation or example code since the public beta, including using the Notion SDK for JavaScript, your existing code should continue to work as expected.

Otherwise, please make one of the two following changes before July 1:

  1. Add Notion-Version: 2021-05-11 in the header when making requests (no other code change is needed).
  2. Recommended: Add Notion-Version: 2021-05-13 in the header when making requests. Making this change will move you to our newest version which includes the following breaking change.

Breaking changes in version 2021-05-13

The type of property value objects for rich text properties has changed from "text" to "rich_text".

When creating pages and updating page properties, update page property values that are rich text to use the key rich_text instead of text. Similarly when retrieving a page, rich text properties will be returned with the type "rich_text" instead of "text".

This change helps distinguish between the property type, and the inner text values of rich text object, which have the key text.

To illustrate this change, here is an example of how the page object's properties appear before and after:

// Before (in unversioned requests and responses)
  "object": "page",
  "properties": {
    "Description": {
      "type": "text",
      "text": [
          "type": "text",
          "text": { "content": "Hello World" }
  /* remaining details omitted */
// After (in requests and responses with version 2021-05-13)
  "object": "page",
  "properties": {
    "Description": {
      "type": "rich_text",
      "rich_text": [
          "type": "text",
          "text": { "content": "Hello World" }
  /* remaining details omitted */

May 18, 2021

Initial users may reauthorize a public integration using OAuth

Public integrations use OAuth to request authorization from a user before being added to a Notion workspace. Previously, once an integration was added to a workspace, no users were able to reauthorize the same integration in that workspace. This change allows the user who initially added the integration to complete the authorization flow more than once. This improvement helps integrations avoid a potential dead end in user flows.

Integrations do not need to make any updates to take advantage of this new capability. An integration may simply link or redirect a user to the authorization URL, the same as the first authorization. During reauthorization the user will not see the page picker. The access token received at the end of reauthorization will be the same as the initial access token. This capability is available immediately.

Please be aware that other previous limitations still exist. Only users with admin access level in a workspace can add an integration. Integrations can only be added to a workspace by one user.

May 13, 2021

Hello world, the Notion API is now in public beta

The Notion API is now available for all developers to explore and build upon. Integrations built on the API are available to all Notion users, on free or paid plans.

In this public beta release, you'll find many of the fundamental parts of Notion: reading and writing to pages, working with users, and the deep and powerful world of Notion databases. The API itself offers foundational features such as authorization, pagination, limits, and more. This is enough to build many interesting integrations we've heard Notion users are excited to use. We're excited to see what you'll build for all of us. → Get started

Our goal is to establish that the Notion API is robust, easy to use, and trustworthy. In public beta, we’ll continue to add new features and making significant changes based on your feedback. Once the most important improvements are included, the API will transition from public beta to general availability. you’ll have everything you need to build integrations teams and businesses can depend on.

A special thanks to the all developers who experimented, explored, and shared their ideas with us - both in the private beta and those following along.

May 4, 2021

Public integration type extends access to multiple workspaces using OAuth

The Notion API has added a new integration type: Public OAuth integrations. If you're building a product or service for Notion users outside your own team - public integrations are for developers like you.

In order to create and configure an integration, its type, name, avatar, and other related settings, the My integrations page is now available.

Public integrations use OAuth to request permission to access pages and databases in new workspaces. Once the user accepts, the integration can receive a separate access token for resources in the user's workspace.

Existing integrations are now known as internal integrations. We no longer call the bearer token you previously used an API Key. It's now known as an integration token. You can keep your bearer token around - it will continue to work just the same.

Learn how to implement these changes in the authorization guide.

May 3, 2021

Search is now available in the API

Using the new search endpoint, you can query all pages and databases users have shared with your integration.

The query you provide filters results by matching against the page title. The results also include matches against subpages of pages users have shared with your integration. This endpoint can be helpful when onboarding a new user and trying to find the page they just shared with your integration.

We recommend transitioning away from using the list databases endpoint. The search endpoint provides all the same functionality - and more.