Link Previews API


Our Link Preview API provides you with a new surface areas to integrate with Notion, allowing you to unfurl authenticated content into Notion when users paste links from your product. Apply here to make use of these APIs!

Without diving into the nitty gritty of it all, when you build a link preview integration, Notion will ask users to authenticate with your service, and then alert you whenever a link from your service is pasted into Notion. Your integration can then unfurl content in a new link preview block, which can include text, statuses, iFrames, and media.


An illustrative example of how link previews function.

Building your own link preview

The following must be true in order to gain access to this feature:

  • You must own the domain you would like to unfurl. So to unfurl content from you need to be able to add a verification code to this domain's DNS record.
  • Your application should already support oAuth, or you should be ready to build this.

If everything here checks out and you'd like to get started building your own preview, apply here!