The User object represents a user in a Notion workspace. Users include full workspace members, guests, and integrations. You can find more information about members and guests in this guide.


Provisioning users and groups using SCIM

The SCIM API is available for workspaces in Notion's Enterprise Plan. Learn more about using SCIM with Notion.


Setting up single sign-on (SSO) with Notion

Single sign-on (SSO) can be configured for workspaces in Notion's Enterprise Plan. Learn more about SSO with Notion.

Where user objects appear in the API

User objects appear in the API in nearly all objects returned by the API, including:

User objects will always contain object and id keys, as described below. The remaining properties may appear if the user is being rendered in a rich text or page property context, and the bot has the correct capabilities to access those properties. For more about capabilities, see the Capabilities guide and the Authorization guide.

All users

These fields are shared by all users, including people and bots. Fields marked with * are always present.

PropertyUpdatableTypeDescriptionExample value
object*Display-only"user"Always "user""user"
id*Display-onlystring (UUID)Unique identifier for this user."e79a0b74-3aba-4149-9f74-0bb5791a6ee6"
typeDisplay-onlystring (optional, enum)Type of the user. Possible values are "person" and "bot"."person"
nameDisplay-onlystring (optional)User's name, as displayed in Notion."Avocado Lovelace"
avatar_urlDisplay-onlystring (optional)Chosen avatar image.""


User objects that represent people have the type property set to "person". These objects also have the following properties:

PropertyUpdatableTypeDescriptionExample value
personDisplay-onlyobjectProperties only present for non-bot users.
person.emailDisplay-onlystringEmail address of person. This is only present if an integration has user capabilities that allow access to email addresses.""


A user object's type property is"bot" when the user object represents a bot. A bot user object has the following properties:

PropertyUpdatableTypeDescriptionExample value
botDisplay-onlyobjectIf you're using GET /v1/users/me or GET /v1/users/{{your_bot_id}}, then this field returns data about the bot, including owner, owner.type, and workspace_name. These properties are detailed below.{ "object": "user", "id": "9188c6a5-7381-452f-b3dc-d4865aa89bdf", "name": "Test Integration", "avatar_url": null, "type": "bot", "bot": { "owner": { "type": "workspace", "workspace": true }, "workspace_name": "Ada Lovelace’s Notion" } }
ownerDisplay-onlyobjectInformation about who owns this bot.{ "type": "workspace", "workspace": true }
owner.typeDisplay-onlystring enumThe type of owner, either "workspace" or "user"."workspace"
workspace_nameDisplay-onlystring enumIf the owner.type is "workspace", then identifies the name of the workspace that owns the bot. If the owner.type is "user", then is null."Ada Lovelace’s Notion"