The Comment object represents a comment on a Notion page or block. Comments can be viewed or created by an integration that has access to the page/block and the correct capabilities. Please see the Capabilities guide for more information on setting up your integration's capabilities.

When retrieving comments, one or more Comment objects will be returned in the form of an array, sorted in ascending chronological order. When adding a comment to a page or discussion, the Comment object just added will always be returned.

    "object": "comment",
    "id": "7a793800-3e55-4d5e-8009-2261de026179",
    "parent": {
        "type": "page_id",
        "page_id": "5c6a2821-6bb1-4a7e-b6e1-c50111515c3d"
    "discussion_id": "f4be6752-a539-4da2-a8a9-c3953e13bc0b",
    "created_time": "2022-07-15T21:17:00.000Z",
    "last_edited_time": "2022-07-15T21:17:00.000Z",
    "created_by": {
        "object": "user",
        "id": "e450a39e-9051-4d36-bc4e-8581611fc592"
    "rich_text": [
            "type": "text",
            "text": {
                "content": "Hello world",
                "link": null
            "annotations": {
                "bold": false,
                "italic": false,
                "strikethrough": false,
                "underline": false,
                "code": false,
                "color": "default"
            "plain_text": "Hello world",
            "href": null

All comments


Reminder: Turn on integration comment capabilities

Integrations must have read comments or insert comments capabilities in order to interact with the Comment object through the API.
For more information on integration capabilities, see the capabilities guide.

PropertyTypeDescriptionExample value
objectstringAlways "comment""comment"
idstring (UUIDv4)Unique identifier of the comment."ce18f8c6-ef2a-427f-b416-43531fc7c117"
parentobjectInformation about the comment's parent. See Parent object. Note that comments may only be parented by pages or blocks.{ "type": "block_id", "block_id": "5d4ca33c-d6b7-4675-93d9-84b70af45d1c" }
discussion_idstring (UUIDv4)Unique identifier of the discussion thread that the comment is associated with. See the guide for more information about discussion threads."ce18f8c6-ef2a-427f-b416-43531fc7c117"
created_timestring (ISO 8601 date and time)Date and time when this comment was created. Formatted as an ISO 8601 date time string."2022-07-15T21:46:00.000Z"
last_edited_timestring (ISO 8601 date and time)Date and time when this comment was updated. Formatted as an ISO 8601 date time string."2022-07-15T21:46:00.000Z"
created_byPartial UserUser who created the comment.{ "object": "user", "id": "e450a39e-9051-4d36-bc4e-8581611fc592" }
rich_textRich text objectContent of the comment, which supports rich text formatting, links, and mentions.[ { "text": { "content": "Kale", "link": { "type": "url", "url": "" } } } ]