Working with comments

Learn how to add and retrieve comments with the Notion API.


Notion offers the ability for developers to add comments to pages and page content (i.e. blocks) within a workspace. Users may add comments:

  • To the top of a page.
  • Inline to text or other blocks within a page.


When using the public API, inline comments can be used to respond to existing discussions.

Notion UI with a page comment and inline comment added.

The Notion UI with a page and inline/block comment added.

This guide will review how to use the public REST API to add and retrieve comments on a page. It will also look at considerations specific to integrations when retrieving or adding comments.


Before discussing how to use the public REST API to interact with comments, let’s first review who can comment on a page. Notion relies on a tiered system forΒ page permissions, which can vary between:Β 

  • Can view
  • Can comment
  • Can edit
  • Full access

When using the Notion UI, users must haveΒ Can commentΒ access or higher (i.e. less restricted) to add comments to a page.

IntegrationsΒ must also have comment permissions, which can be set in theΒ Integrations dashboard.


Integrations are apps developers build to use the public API within a Notion workspace. Integrations must be given explicit permissions to read/write content in a workspace, included content related to comments.

Integration comments capabilities

To give your integration permission to interact with comments via the public REST API, you need to configure the integration to have comment capabilities.

There are two relevant capabilities when it comes to comments β€” the ability to:

  1. Read comments.
  2. Write (or insert) comments.

You can edit your integration's capabilities in theΒ Integrations dashboard. If these capabilities are not added to your integration, REST API requests related to comments will respond with an error.

Configuring capabilities on the integration settings page.

Configuring capabilities on the integration settings page.

See our reference guide onΒ CapabilitiesΒ for more information.

Comments in Notion’s UI vs. using the REST API

In the Notion UI, users can:

  • Add a comment to a page.
  • Add an inline comment to child blocks on the page (i.e. comment on page content).
  • Respond to an inline comment (i.e. add a comment to an existing discussion thread).
  • Read open comments on a page or block.
  • Read/re-open resolved comments on a page or block.
  • Edit comments.

βœ…Β Using the public REST API, integrations can:

  • Add a comment to a page.
  • Respond to an inline comment (i.e. add a comment to an existing discussion thread).
  • Read open comments on a block or page.

❌ When using the public REST API, integrations cannot:

  • Start a new discussion thread.
  • Edit existing comments.
  • Retrieve resolved comments.


Keep an eye on our Changelog for new features and updates to the REST API.

Retrieving comments for a page or block

TheΒ Retrieve commentsΒ endpoint can be used to list all open (or β€œun-resolved”) comments for a page or block. Whether you’re retrieving comments for a page or block, theΒ block_idΒ query parameter is used. This is becauseΒ pages are technically blocks.

This endpoint returns a flatlist of comments associated with the ID provided; however, some block types may support multiple discussion threads. This means there may be multiple discussion threads included in the response. When this is the case, comments from all discussion threads will be returned in ascending chronological order. The threads can be distinguished by sorting themΒ discussion_idΒ field on each comment object.

curl ''\
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer '"$NOTION_API_KEY"'' \
  -H "Notion-Version: 2022-06-28"
const { Client } = require('@notionhq/client');

const notion = new Client({ auth: process.env.NOTION_API_KEY });

(async () => {
  const blockId = 'd40e767c-d7af-4b18-a86d-55c61f1e39a4';
  const response = await notion.comments.list({ block_id: blockId });

By default, the response from this endpoint will return a maximum of 100 items. To retrieve additional items, you will need to useΒ pagination.

Adding a comment to a page

You can add a top-level comment to a page by using theΒ Add comment to page endpoint. Requests made to this endpoint require the ID for the parent page, as well as aΒ rich textΒ body (i.e. the comment content).

curl -X POST \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer '"$NOTION_API_KEY"'' \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Notion-Version: 2022-06-28" \
  --data '
    "parent": {
      "page_id": "59e3eb41-33b2-4151-b05b-31115a15e1c2"
    "rich_text": [
        "text": {
          "content": "Hello from my integration."
const { Client } = require('@notionhq/client');

const notion = new Client({ auth: process.env.NOTION_API_KEY });

(async () => {
  const response = await notion.comments.create({
    parent: {
      page_id: "59e3eb41-33b2-4151-b05b-31115a15e1c2"
    rich_text: [
        text: {
          content: "Hello from my integration.",

The response will contain the newΒ comment object.

The exception to what will be returned occurs if your integration has β€œwrite comment” capabilities but not β€œread comment” capabilities. In this situation, the response will be a partial object consisting of only theΒ idΒ andΒ objectΒ fields. This is because the integration can create new comments but can’t retrieve comments, even if the retrieval is just the response for the newly created one. (Reminder: You can update the read/write settings in the Integrations dashboard.)

In the Notion UI, this new comment will be displayed on the page using your integration's name and icon.

Inline comments

Responding to a discussion thread

TheΒ Add comment to pageΒ endpoint can also be used to respond to a discussion thread on a block. (Reminder: Page blocks are the child elements that make up the page content, like a paragraph, header, to-do list, etc.)

If you’re using this endpoint to respond to a discussion, you will need to provide aΒ discussion_idΒ parameterΒ instead ofΒ aΒ parent.page_id.


Inline comments cannot be directly added to blocks to start a new discussion using the public API. Currently, the API can only be used to respond to inline comments (discussions).

Retrieving a discussion ID

The are two possible ways to get the discussion_id for a discussion thread.

  1. You can use the Retrieve comments endpoint, which will return a list of open comments on the page or block.
  2. You can also get a discussion_id manually by navigating to the page with the discussion you’re responding to. Next, click the "Copy link to discussion" menu option next to the discussion.
"Copy link to discussion" menu option in Notion UI.

"Copy link to discussion" menu option in Notion UI.

This will give you a URL like:

The value of theΒ dΒ query parameter is the discussion_id.

Once you have the discussion_id, you can make a request to respond to the thread like so:

curl -X POST \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer '"$NOTION_API_KEY"'' \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Notion-Version: 2022-06-28" \
  --data '
    "discussion_id": "59e3eb41-33b2-4151-b05b-31115a15e1c2",
    "rich_text": [
        "text": {
          "content": "Hello from my integration."
const { Client } = require('@notionhq/client');

const notion = new Client({ auth: process.env.NOTION_API_KEY });

(async () => {
  const response = await notion.comments.create({
    "discussion_id": "8fa6e3ecbebf494b94bae5e9737842fb"
    "rich_text": [
        "text": {
          "content": "Hello world"


In this guide, you learned about comment permissions and how to interact with page and block-level comments using Notion’s public REST API. There are many potential use-cases for this type of interaction, such as:

  • Commenting on a task when a related pull request is merged.
  • Periodically pasting reminders to any pages that meet a certain criteria. For example, you could use theΒ Query a databaseΒ endpoint to search for a certain criteria and add a comment to any pages that do.
  • For apps that use Notion as a CMS (Content Management System) β€” like a blog β€” users can give feedback to pages by adding a comment.

Next steps