Searches all parent or child pages and databases that have been shared with an integration.

Returns allΒ pagesΒ orΒ databases, excluding duplicated linked databases, that have titles that include theΒ queryΒ param. If noΒ queryΒ param is provided, then the response contains all pages or databases that have been shared with the integration. The results adhere to any limitations related to anΒ integration’s capabilities.

To limit the request to search only pages or to search only databases, use theΒ filterΒ param.


Each Public API endpoint can return several possible error codes. See the Error codes section of the Status codes documentation for more information.


The Search endpoint supports pagination. To learn more about working with paginated responses, see theΒ pagination section of the Notion API Introduction.


To search a specific database β€” not all databases shared with the integration β€” use the Query a database endpoint instead.
